Enki x Reader: More to Love

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You rolled around on the comfortable bed. Finding a comfortable spot that's cool, but warm, not too soft, but really soft. Bed hunting is hard. That's not exactly your problem though.

You settled with hugging one of your pillows, biting your face in it.

"Just one more night." You mumble into the fluff.

-----Time Skip-----

The sun rays woke you up from your slumber. That's a lie.

"Wake up no.8." A guard calls into your cell.

You groan, slowly sitting up.

The guard takes a peak in your cell and moves on. Doing roll call was a pain in the ass sometimes. The guards always had to wake you up just to check if you were there.

You laid gonna go back to sleep-until breakfast-when you sat up instantly.

"It's today." You smile.

-----Time Skip-----

After hours, you finally had your chance. The inmates finished having dinner, guards were getting ready to take their leave.

You looked around before opening your cell door.

You quietly-which is kinda impossible since it made a loud screech-shut the door.

You ran down the cell block, passing by other inmates in their cells. At this point they're used to your breakouts.

You quickly but quietly made you way to the main office of building 5.

You took a peak in the room and saw only Enki, sitting at his desk doing what you can only assume was paperwork.

"You are safe." Enki speaks up.

You jump, before calming down and walking in.

Closing the door behind you, you pout at the man, "You could have helped me out."

"This isn't the first time you broke out. I knew you could handle it." He replies, looking up from his work.

A tick mark pops up in the side of your head, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to not get caught by both guards and the security cameras?"

A small smile is plastered on his face, amused with your antics.

He stands up and walks over to you.

He picks you up and places you on the couch.

You lean up and kiss him. He doesn't waste any time to kiss back.

Due to him being so tall, you either have to stand on something to reach him, or he needs to be seated.

You pull back after a moment, smiling lightly with a pink blush.

"Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary." He kisses your cheek.

You hop off the couch and run over to his desk.

"I can't stay very long so is their anything you wanna do while I'm here?" You sit in his chair.

He walks over and looks straight down at you.

"I'm taking the night shift. We could just stay here for a few hours. Then I could take you back to your cell before the guards get here in the morning." He suggests.

You blush, knowing where he's getting at. Believe it or not, but that's Enki's way of saying 'let's have sex'.

You've done it once about a month ago. You we're still so insecure about your body though.

"I um....maybe another time?" You smile nervously.

Enki stared at you before speaking gently, "Is this about your body?"

You look down embarrassed.

You don't have the thinnest body. Quite tubby. You admitted that much to Enki before your first time.

"You have nothing to be worried about. I saw your body before. I like a girl with a little meat on her bones." He walks behind the desk, kneeling beside you.

Your eyes glossed with tears, threatening to fall.
"I know, but..."

He places his hand on your cheek, caressing you, "I don't care if you're a little overweight. I'd still love you even if you weighted 300 pounds."

You stared at him with wide eyes before smiling softly.

"For someone so tough, you are such a softy."

He picks you up, "Perhaps. I'll have you know, I won't be so 'soft' on you tonight."

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now