A Day In the Life Of The Sugoroku's

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I can't remember what part this is of the series. Part 4? Part 3? All I know is that it's the first one in this book lol (I think...)


Hajime grumbled as he walked down the hallway.

Yourself and your older brother, Hitoshi, jumped at the small of his door.

An older women sighed, "He used to be such a good kid."

A man her age smiled, "He's a teenager now Ai. He's gonna have hormones."

You smiled, "Yeah mom. Now it's time to focus on your daughter, Hitoshi!" You joked, flashing Hitoshi a smile.

He returned it gleefully, "I'm pretty." He kicks his legs over the couch.

--------Time Skip--------

"Did you find all the eggs?" Your dad questioned as yourself and Hitoshi entered the kitchen.

"No." Hitoshi pouted, holding out his empty basket that is supposed to be filled with easter eggs, chocolate, and small toys.

Hajime looked up from his phone, "It's eight o'clock. You've been looking for the stuff since seven this morning."

"I remember that." You nodded.

"That was so long ago." Hitoshi added on with a hint of tease.

"I was young." You played along to Hitoshi's game.


"Hajime." You called for your brother, entering the break room in headquarters.

"(Y/n)?" Hitoshi questioned.

Blinking, you smiled apon seeing your other big brother. "Hey Hitoshi. Where's big brother?"

He shrugs, "I haven't seen him yet. I didn't even see him at lunch in the food court. We usually go there to eat."

Nodding in understanding, you hummed to yourself.

"Hitoshi, who is your friend here?" Kenshirou asked from the one person sofa.

Smiling, Hitoshi hugged you. "Supervisor, this is my little sister, (Y/n) Sugoroku. She's younger than me by a whole seven minutes."

Waving awkwardly, you saluted, "Hi sir."

He only stared in shock.

'Most likely processing the twin thing.' Hitoshi and yourself thought.

Shaking your head, you mumbled to your brother, "So, you really don't know where he is?"

He frowns, "I wish I knew where he was. I even checked his building twice. Seitarou said Hajime hasn't even checked into work."

"That's odd. He's such a workaholic, I swear he would be here." You frowned to yourself.

--------Time Skip---------

It was the end of the day and Hitoshi had just gotten off work. You had decided to hang around during the day, instead of going home.

Now, you were both shopping for groceries around the shopping center.

"What are we out of?" Hitoshi questioned, looking at the various milks in the long line of fridges.

"I'm not sure. Hajime usually does this stuff." You shrugged, just grabbing a random tub of ice cream.

Seeing you take it, Hitoshi giggled nervously, "Do we really need that?"

You deadpanned, "Since when do we not?"

Almost instantly, he smiles cheekily, "You're right." He grabs some cookies.

Finishing up your grocery shopping-which was more of a munchy run-you both chatted giddily down the roads of Nanba island, finding your way to your apartment buidling.

Giggling, Hitoshi noticed something behind you-he dropped the bags in shock.

"What's wrong?" You questioned worriedly.

He pointed behind you horrified, "Big brother."

Raising an eyebrow, you turned around and dropped your grocery bags.

Hajime sat in a restaurant with Momoko Hyakushiki.

"Are they...." You trailed off.

"On a date?" Hitoshi finishes.

You both watched in shock as they sat awkwardly in silence.

You stood around-hiding behind a large plant-and watched with practically lasers as eyes.

Momoko seemed to have excused herself as she went to grab her bag and go into a different room-probably rest room.

Hajime seemed to have sighed in relief. He glanced out the window, and his eyes widened.

Both yourself and Hitoshi silently screamed at him.

"What's going on!?" Hitoshi mouthed, like he was yelling.

"I had to say yes! I could get fired or even killed!" Hajime mouthed back, just as freaked out.

"Do you even like her that way!?" You mouthed.

"She scares the living crap outta me! What do you think!?" He mouths back pissed.

"You like those kinda girls!?" You mouthed.

"What's wrong with you? She's our boss! If this date goes wrong, she could punch all three of us to tokyo!" Hitoshi grabbed your shoulders, shaking you back and forth.

Turing back to Hajime, you watched as he tensed when Momoko came back.

They seemed to have said awkward greetings.

"We should save him." Hitoshi said.

"That's my line." You mumbled.

Rushing into the restaurant, you pushed passed the servants and each grabbed Hajime's shoulder.

"Sorry ms, but we need our big brother back." Hitoshi smiled awkwardly.

"He has to make us supper. We can't really do that on our own." You giggled nervously.

Pulling him out of the restaurant, you called over your shoulder, "We're so sorry!"

-----Time Skip-----

"What the hell was that about Hajime?" You panted out as you rested behind a random building.

Hajime sighed, "Obviously a date. Not a very enjoyable one I may add." He mumbles the last part.

"So, do you think you'd go on another date?" Hitoshi asked.

Hajime thought about it, "I'm not sure. I'll admit, it was nice but I don't really see her that way." He shrugs.

Smiling, you reply, "It's okay. Maybe in time, okay?"

"What the hell does that mean?" Hajime grumbled.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now