Liang x Reader: Brand New World

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Liang's eyebrows twitched in annoyance.

He stared up at his master with an angry look of disbelief. "You want me to work with them!?" He shouted, pointing at the two figures behind the master.

The master nodded, "Yes. Do you have any complaints about my selection?"

"I have a lot of complaints!"

As the two continued to bicker, the other two watching glanced at each other.

"This is getting annoying." The boy said.

"Everyone here's annoying." The girl, you, said.

Staying for just a few more minutes, the two shrugged.

"We're off now." You waved a hand as you walked out of the room.

"Don't get careless and start fighting." Your twin brother exclaimed over his shoulder.


Liang sighed.

He only poked at his food, not really hungry.

"What's wrong?" Qi asked, giving him a nudge.

Liang blinked, snapping out of his trance.

"Er..? What?" He blinked innocently.

Upa spoke him across from him, "He asked what's wrong. You've been getting distracted a lot lately."

Shaking his head, Liang stands up with his tray, "It's nothing. Just thinking." With that, he went to go eat elsewhere. Where he can be alone.


He laid awake at night, staring up at the ceiling. 'Damnit. Why do I have to be thinking about this now?' He thought upset with himself.


"Master...what happened?" Liang ran up to his master worriedly.

A taller man wearing a pig mask stood behind him, holding a large hammer like object.

Liang and the oink oink talked, well argued and pleaded. Then, his master...begged him to go.

After awhile...he agreed. He agreed to go with the pig man.

"The twins would have done something. Even those two have some respect for the master." He mumbled under his breathe.

The pig man chuckled. "You mean those two?" He pointed over his shoulder.

Liang's eyes widem, he got up, ran to the side to get a better look.

His eyes widened in utter horror.

The twins, (Y/n) and HuFeng, are impaled by a spear. It pinned them to a tree, just outside the temple.

"They were easy to take down. I would have sparred them and took them with me, but it was made clear that they do as they wish, not what they are told. I don't need disobedience." Hachiman replied.


Rolling over to his side, Liang mumbled to himself, "Theirs no way they died so easily. It's just not like them to loose."


The Next day, a rumour went around building 5.

"Do you know anything about this rumour?" Liang walked up to Upa, who meditated in the cell.

Peaking under and eyelid, he replies, "Not sure. I only just heard of it myself during breakfast."

As the day continued on, the rumour became more clear.

Apparently, twins got in trouble a few months back. A lot of trouble. They served a few months in juvy but due to escapes and killings of guards, they've been sent to actual prison. Multiple ones to be specific. Now, it seems Nanba is taking them in.

"Samon." Liang called to his supervisor.

Humming, Samon continued to do as instructed on the paper he was glancing at every once in awhile. "Hm? What's the problem?"

Liang stared at the many chains, shackles, and two large metal like contraptions that were getting set up in the cell across from his own.

"May I ask who these new inmates are?" He asks politely.

"You may but based on research and evidence, it's best if you meet them yourself. Apparently they have history with you." Samon replied.

Liang only wondered.


A few days had passed, and it seemed the new inmates have arrived.

Liang woke up die to the excited cheers and whistles from other inmates in the cell block.

"What's going on?" Liang asked, walking up to the cell door.

Qi, glanced at him with a smirk, "New inmates are here. One of them's a girl."

His eyes widen. Why was a girl coming to Nanba Prison? He had only heard rumours but wasn't their a Nanba Prison where females go? What's one doing here?

Everyone watched as the new inmates walked down the hall with a few guards.

As they got closer, Liang's eyes widen.

"You''re alive?" He stuttered.

The two twins, looked at him.

HuFeng smirked, "Long time no see, brother in law."

(Y/n) nudged him with her elbow, "Quit it HuFeng. We're not married yet. Aren't we Liang?"

"Huh!?" Everyone, including Qi and Upa, gasped.

They stared at Liang with wide eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Er...I was put into an arranged marriage when I was my future bride...." He trails off awkwardly.


"You're kidding! You mean you didn't like me at all?!" You laughed amused as you sat with Liang during dinner.

"No one liked you two. You were impossible to get along with." Liang replied.

"Makes sense." HuFeng shrugged with an amused smile.

"By the never told me how you survived. I saw you two dead with my own eyes." Liang got more serious.

"You should learn to check the bodies." You replied, taking a bite out of your dinner.

HuFeng nodded, eating his own food, "We might have been impaled, but we were still alive. Just barely though."

"Yeah so thanks for checking if your future wife was safe Liang." You spoke sarcastically.

Sweatdropping, he stuttered, "Sorry..."

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now