Hajime x Reader: Scar Face

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Reader POV

So it started when I was wondering around HQ, trying to find something to do on my break. Then when meeting the information board, I found notes of events. Such as Christmas, Valentines, Halloween, Thanksgiving. Even birthdays of the guards. Something that caught my attention out of everything else, was a blue flyer about some tournament.

"New Years Tournament?" I questioned quietly.

I held the colourful flyer in my hand, reading it over.

I hummed uncertain. A New Years Tournament? Such an event actually exists? Theirs no way that's true. It's highly illogical. Just ridiculous.

Footsteps came walking down the-surprisingly-abandoned hallway.

Tearing my focus away from the probably fake announcement, I looked over at the owner of those footsteps.

Deep red eyes, a scar, tanned skin, tall, and hair the colour of-wait.

He came to a stop at the board and looked around at the announcements and news. He sighed irritability. "It's already that time of the year again."

This man turned towards me. I froze. I couldn't tell if he was glaring at me or not. "What are you looking at?"

I straightened myself out. "That scar on your face. What happened?"

"It's none of your concern, rookie." He walked away.

Rookie? I guess one can assume that he's been working her for awhile, since he can tell who's new here. I watched him walk away out of my vision. I hummed in amusement. I don't think I've ever been attracted to a bald man before.

---Few Days Later---

"No way. It really does exist." I gawked in the arena.

I looked around at my peers, trying to look for my supervisor. Supervisor Gokuu. Instead, I found the man I've encountered a few days prior. Scar face I think I'll call him.

He looked irritated with a couple of inmates. I snorted amused. "Scar face is a baby sitter."

I felt a hand clasp my shoulder. Turning around I met with the gaze of my supervisor. "You're competing. I don't care if you're a rookie, your ass is getting out there."

I rolled my eyes and grumbled out a fine.

---Time Skip---

I cocked my head to the side. A smirk replacing my usual scowl.

"I'm coming for you scar face." I got in a fighting position, gripping my two bladed scythe.

Scar face-who I learned is named Hajime Sugoroku-only stood there being intimidating. Again, I couldn't tell if he was glaring at me or if that's just his usual look.

Another match came up and Samon kicked my ass in here. I'm serious. He picked me up and kicked my fucking ass in here. Then when Hajime walked into the arena he quickly changed his mind and wanted to fight instead. Does he love him or something? Why does he want to fight against him so badly? I chose to go against him and flipped the bird at him. He's the one who kicked me in here, I'm just following orders.

Mitsuru counted down. As soon as the words go, left his mouth, I moved in.

Hajime POV

My 'bff' gave the signal to begin. Almost immediately the girl came charging at me.

I stood my ground and watched her closely. Just as I was about to make a move to defend myself, she vanished.

"What the hell?" I gasped. Should have focused more. Now my guard is down.

However before I could realise that, I felt a blow hit me from behind.

I grunted and slid forward from impact. I turned around and glared at her.

"How did you do that?" I called standing up.

She looked down at me-despite her being short compared to me-and had an evil grin on her flawless face. "It's none of your concern."

I gritted my teeth. Damn bitch. Used my own little line against me.

I charged at her. Yielding my fist back, I got ready to hit her nice and good. This doesn't count as woman abuse right?

Just as I neared and was close to beating landing a hit, she vanished again. My eyes widened slightly. I bit my tongue to the point where I drawled blood. How the hell is she doing this?

Another blow to my side. I went flying towards a wall, grunting in pain each time I hit the ground before slamming real hard into the wall.

I laid there for a moment. This can't be over yet. I opened an eye lid and glared at the rookie. Damn bitch.

"Times up! (Y/n) (L/n) of building 5 wins!" Mitsuru dwclared.

I moved my glare over to him. "Dammit Mitsuru. You're supposed to be my best friend." I grinded my teeth.

Damnit. How could I loose? I normally don't even care but...come on! She's a girl and she's the size of a peanut! Well that's an over exaggeration but compared to me she's tiny! I swear she's smaller than the monkey!

I continued to shame myself, not even noticing her getting near.

A hand reached out to me, catching my attention. I followed up the arm and met with the kind eyes of (Y/n) (L/n). She looked so...innocent. Almost like she didn't just kick my ass.

"You're fine right? Hope I didn't hurt you too bad." Her voice. So angelic. I gulped and felt myself sweating slightly.

"Er-yeah I'm fine." I mumbled out.

I looked back at her hand, and reached out. When I grasped her small hand, I swear my heart skipped a beat. Her hands are so soft and warm. I could tell, even if I am wearing my gloves. She pulled me up to my feet. I stood up and looked down at her.

I gulped amd stuttered. "Congrats on your win."

She nodded with a grin. "Thanks. You weren't too bad yourself. Even if you didn't land a single hit on me." She stuck her tongue out playfully. But I could still see the boldness and fire in her eyes.

I stiffened up and turned around on my heel. "Well, I'll be going now."

I walked away from the guard and made my way inside. My destination being the smoke room. But, I couldn't focus on my journey there.

I had my hand over my thumping heart. "It's never beaten this fast before." I mumbled. A picture of (Y/n)'s smile flashed through my mind. My heart sped up, and I had this warm tingling feeling inside my chest.

My eyes widen.

I think I love her.

Wow. I think I made myself fall in love with Hajime lol

Coming Up
•Trois x Reader: Lemon
•Hajime x Reader: Baka (3 shot)
•Seitarou x Child Reader: SeiSei

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