Kiji x Reader: A Day In The Life Of The Mitsuba's

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A continuation from the previous chapter.

"What do you wanna do?" (B/n) asked boredly.

You shrugged, "I dunno." You then burped.

(B/n) smirked, "Nice." You both high fived lazily.

10 minutes has passed.

Then 15 minutes.

Then 20 minutes.

30 minutes.

You both shifted in different areas and positions every few minutes. Two pairs of (e/c) eyes stared at the tv, watching as the colours danced, forming a story to watch.

The ending credits rolled in and you grabbed the remote, turning off the television.

"I never thought I'd say this, but Wolf Children is so SNC!" (B/n) shouts bored out of his mind.

You rolled off the couch and onto the floor, "What's SNC?"

"Snooze n Cruise." He replies as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ah okay." You replied.

You both just stayed where you were; you laying on the floor, (B/n)'s arm hanging off the couch.

"So...wanna go on adventure?" You sit up.

He sits up as well, "Sure but where? We're not allowed to leave unless Kiji gives us permission. On top of that, we aren't allowed to summon demons so we can't do that."

You smile slyly, "True, but....he never said we couldn't go visit him at work~"

-----Time Skip-----

"Uh may I help you?" A 'guard' asked.

He stared at the two teens that stood before him.

"We need to know how to get to building 3. Our older brother is the supervisor." (B/n) explains.

The man in the booth looks at you. You nod.

"What he said." You motioned towards your brother.

"Well to get there you take the train. The train should be here in a few minutes. It will arrive over there." The man points over to a platform, on the far left.

You both waved lazily, "Thanks."

The man leaned over the table, calling out to you, "To get on you'll need a train ticket. Considering you're just visitors."

You both stop and run back.

"Now you tell us." (B/n) rolls his eyes.

"Give us the tickets then." You hold out your hand.

"Theirs a cost." He says.

You both groan, "Fine. How much?"

He sweat drops, "That's kinda creepy that you can speak at the same time," He shakes his head, getting serious, "One ticket is 10 dollars. It's the same price for the second ticket back as well."

You both dig around in your pockets, "Okay so we need fourth dollars to get four tickets.  Geez this place is expensive." You mumble.

(B/n) places a few things on the counter, "I got 5 bucks, a quarter, two pennies, a pack of gum and a water gun."

"And I have 10 dollars, a shiny rock, a few tampons and pads, along with my own water gun." You place said items on the counter.

"Will these do?" You both asks hopefully.

The man deadpanned, "No."

You back up your things again and stormed off, "Then we'll walk!"

"The other way!" He calls.

"We knew that!" You turned around, this time going in the right direction.

------Time Skip------

"I am so tired." You sighed.

You both spent a half hour walking over to building 3.

You had stopped to take a break and rested in front of said building.

"Damnit. Why does it have to be so hot today?" (B/n) whines.

"Honestly I think that's the least of our problems." You groan.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because we need to find a way in." At that, your brother sighs.

Unknowing to the twins, Kiji was in the monitoring room chatting with the guard at the current post. He watched as his younger siblings tried so hard to get in.

"If only they knew there is a front door where visitors can come through." He chuckles.

Yeah, the twins ended up going to the backdoor, thinking it was the front door.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now