Cell 13 x Reader: Pillow Fight

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The moons rays shine brightly in the dark cell.

It was maybe 2am?

Well, four out of the five inmates couldn't sleep.

One slept peacefully while the other four shifted around, trying to get comfortable in the bedding on the floor. They chose the blankets and such as a bed for the night. The sleeping bags aren't getting shipped in for another few weeks, the mattresses are dirty and need to be cleaned. So, blankets and pillows is their bed right now.

"Nico. Hey Nico." You whispered to the teen opposite of you.

"Yeah?" He whispers back.

"You sleepy yet?"

"No. You?"

"Nope." You answer.

"I'm not tired at all either." Rock speaks up.

The sudden voice startled you for a moment before relaxing after realizing its Rock.

"Oh good it's you. I thought it was a demonic figure who wanted to take my soul." You blink innocently.

Rock sweat drops, "I think you're watching too much Kuroshitsuji with Nico."

"You can never get enough of it." Nico chirps happily yet quietly.

Nodding in agreement, you take a curious glass at Jyugo beside you.

You watched as his breathing stayed evenly, deep intakes of air and exhaling, letting out little snores, his chest pumping up and down evenly through his breathing. He looked so at peace.

It was almost adorab-

"You're terrible at fake sleeping Jyugo." You deadpan.

Immediately, he sits up annoyed, "How did you know?" He asks quietly.

"You're terrible at everything." You say nonchalantly.

Jyugo grits his teeth and grabs a pillow angrily, "I dare you too say that again!" He shouts.

The pillow hit you with a light thud, before falling down to the blanket covering your body.

"Quit it." You demand. Picking up the same pillow at you, you repeat Jyugo's previous action.

"Hey!" Rock said when the pillow ended up hitting him square in the face.

Jyugo had quickly payed back down on his bed to duck from your pillow attack.

"Oops." You giggle. "Hey!" You yelp, a pillow being thrown to your face.

"Don't lead me out on the fun." Nico smiles.

The four of you all grabbed a pillow and began having a pillow fight. It was more like a war then a fight but eh.

"Team Thunder Legion!" Yourself and Nico cheered.

"Team Shadow Gear!" Rock and Jyugo cheered.

The four of constantly through soft pillows at one another, getting louder by the minute, completely forgetting about the fifth inmate sleeping.

Jyugo threw a pillow. It missed you. But it didn't entirely miss.

The four of you stopped and watched in fear as Uno sat up angrily.

"Why are you playing at a time like this? I need my beauty sleep." Uno says through gritted teeth.

Nico held onto a pillow as a source of comfort, you doing the same with your own pillow.

"We're sorry Uno! Please don't hurt us-ahh!" Your pleading was cut short when Uno through a pillow at you with force.

You fell backwards, a bright red mark on your forehead.

"Eh!" Nico flinched afraid. He held onto the pillow tighter.

The remaining three inmates all backed up in fear as Uno began throwing pillows at them angrily.

"Uno.....needs his beauty sleep..." You mumbled from the floor, still processing what just happened.

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