Samon x Reader x Hajime: Muffin

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The guard room. A place where the guards act ridiculous and bicker as a source of break. Weird isn't it?

"Here ya go." You place a plate in front of Seitarou Tanabata.

Seitarou stares at the thing on the plate. "(Y/n)...what is it?"

You shrugged. "It's a muffin. It's made with love...and no flour by accident."

He smiles, "Oh, okay well, thank you for my muffin soup."

You smiled.

Two pairs of eyes had their eyes your way. One red, the other green.

Hajime watched out of the corner eye, practically glaring daggers at Seitarou.

Samon watched from behind his clipboard, glaring lasers at Seitarou.

'Today's the day.' Hajime thought.

'He's gonna be mine.' Samon thought.

The two fight all the time. Most, don't understand why. Some think it's because something that happened in the past, some think they once had something, even others think they're sexually frustrated. Although it is pretty much unknown as to why the two are always at each other's throats, a reason is because of a guard they both love.

There is a problem though. They don't know if (Y/n) is gay.


"What is it?" You stared up at the supervisor of building 13.

"Well....I need to talk to you.." Hajime starts.

"I can assume that. You came all the way from building 13 to building 2 just to talk to me." You chuckle.

It's light- barely noticeable -but a blush dusted his cheeks.

He opened his mouth to speak, but his best friend interrupted them.

"Hey Hajime. Hope you don't mind but I gotta steal (Y/n) from you for a bit. She's wanted by the warden." Mitsuru pushes on your shoulders, guiding you.

You let him with a smile, "Sorry Hajime. Tell me later okay?" You called over your shoulder.

He couldn't reply.

She. She. She. She. She.

"Am I...really just finding this out now?" He asks himself.

-----Time Skip-----

"Yo!" You waved, walking down the halls of HQ.

"Good, you're here." Samon says.

You stood in front of him. Staring up at the male.

He shifted, "I was...wondering..."

"(Y/n) nya. You're needed back at building 2." Mao walks up to you.

You turn around and smile at the cat like guard, "Sure."

"I'll see you later monkey. Building 2 needs their momma." You walk off.

"You would be a good mom." Mao walks with you.

"I'd be great, wouldn't I?" You smile.

Samon watched in annoyance. Mao taking you away from him, is now another reason he hates the cat like guard.

That hate feeling, didn't last long when he thought back.


-----Time Skip-----

The guard room is probably the best place to be as a guard. It's like a room where the guards just act ridiculously funny without trying or doing it intentionally.

"Here you go." You place a plate in front of Samon and Hajime.

"What's this?" They both ask.

"Muffin soup." Seitarou walks by.

"It's made with love...and no flour by accident." You smile.

The two sweat drop but nonetheless eat it.

You smile and sit across from them.

"So, why do you guys keep wanting to talk to me privately? No offence, but it gets weirder and weirder each time." You thought back to when Hajime tripped over a box trying to walk to you.

The time Samon walked into a wall to get away from you because he was panicking.

The time last week, when both guards were running after you-only to turn a corner and end up running straight into each other.

"No reason..."  They both blush slightly in embarrassment.

"Do you think other people know about (Y/n)'s gender?" Mitsuru asks, while watching the three.

"Nyonly a short number of guards." Mao replies.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now