Uno x Reader: My name is...

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Now since author-chan is lazy to write something like a day in the life, she's just gonna go travel back in time to when the two now love birds first met~


A 7 year old girl cried silently on the sidewalk of London.

She has been abandoned by the orphanage she once stayed at. Pushed out for more 'normal' kids. No one bothered to help. She stood on the sidewalk, going ignored by civilians that walk by. She may not be able to see, but she knew she is going ignored, she can hear the busy streets of London, so that gave a hint that she is indeed in a public place.

She silently cried, the tears soaking the bandages covering her eyes. Her clothes is just a simple night gown. It's dirty, torn here and there, thin, could barley keep her warm.

"Hey there." She hears a boys voice.

She perks her head up, looking around.

"I'm right here." The voice says again.

The girl followed ye voice and turned to wear she heard it come from.

"H-hello?" She stutters.

"What's with the bandages? Why cover your pretty eyes?" The boy asks.

He has golden blonde and hot pink hair, put into a braid. Sky blue eyes shining in amusement. Never had Uno seen a girl about his age wearing a bandage over her eyes. She also seemed to be in a bad situation.

She doesn't answer but just shifts around on the spot uncomfortably.

"Okay, I guess you don't talk much. Well, I'm Uno in case you're wondering. I'm 8 years old and I am pretty cute if I do say so myself." He smirks.

The girl just stands still. She didn't want to risk talking.

For one, she is shocked. Most boys who talk to her only push her around. Girls just call her names. So, someone who actually seems friendly is new to her.

Two, she didn't even know if she is facing him. She shifted around, he also could have moved. She didn't want to talk, she may end up talking to a barrel or a random civilian. Then again, she is technically talking to a random civilian.

"This is the part where you tell me your name." Uno urges.

The girl turns to his voice and lifts her head up.

She tilts her head and spoke in a quiet voice, "I don't have a name."

"Really?" Uno asks. The girl nods.

He stared at the younger girl taken back before smiling.

"How about I name you?" He says excitedly.

She perks her head up surprised.

Uno is quiet at he stared at the girl. It began to freak her out? What if he named you something dumb? Something like what the other kids call you?

"(Y/n). From now on your name will be (Y/n). A pretty name for a pretty girl." Uno smiles.

The girl, uh I mean, (Y/n) blushed lightly, "(y/n)..." she smiled at the name.


"So that's how you two met?" Jyugo questions.

"And how (Y/n) got her name?" Nico asks.

Uno nods, "Yeah. I never knew the girl I met ten years ago would be my girlfriend." Uno pulls you closer to his chest.

The girl blushes shyly and smiles lightly, "I never knew we would see each other again in a prison."

Rock, Jyugo and Nico chuckle.

Uno smiles, "I guess it was fate."

You felt relaxed in his arms. Your friends all smiling at you two, the warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest. It was almost perfect-

"Technically we didn't 'see' each other. You can't." Uno smirks amused as you.

"You had to ruin the moment didn't you." You pout.

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