Samon x Reader: Stupid Enki!

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"Why can't I see him?" You glare up at Enki Gokuu with a pout.

"He is training." That's his simple reply.

"But-!" Then the door slammed in your face.

You pout even more and kick at the porch.

"Stupid Enki." Rustling in the bushes is then heard.

Turning around, you look at the bush near the side of the temple with uneasiness.

"Hello?" You call out with a wavering voice.

After a moment, you saw a red tail poke out of the bushes.

You giggled, knowing exactly who it is.
Walking over, you yanked on his tail to pull him out of the bush.

"Hey!" He yelps surprised. Looking at you, he smiles.

"(Y/n)!" He gets up to hug you.

"Hi Samon." You hug back with a smile.

"Samon. You're supposed to be training." Enki walks over.

You flinch and turn around. Glaring at him, you say, "Just let him be with me for awhile. We planned our play date to be today."

"Just for today." Samon pleads his brother, "I'll train tomorrow."

"Always strive to win against yourself." He simply says before grabbing Samon and walking off with him.

Tears threatening to fall, you get frustrated and kick a near by pebble.

"Stupid Enki!" You shout.


"So how's it going Supervisor Gokuu." You knock on the door to the supervising officer of building 5 with a teasing smile.

"Hm? Oh hey (Y/n). Not much going on. What are you doing here?" He asks calmly. He looks away from you to go back to the files he was going through before you came in.

You frown.

Samon is always full of energy; weather it be he's angry with Inori, being loud to hear some noise so he doesn't hear the suffering silence, or because he a simply in a good mood because well, he's Samon. Full of energy no matter what emotion.

"I just got off work to take my lunch break. Wanted to know if you would care to join me." You say gently.

"No thanks. I have a few documents to finish." He just continues walking from one side of the room to the other for files and documents and such.

"Just take a break. You work so hard everyday. I don't think I've seen you take a break since you got promoted. It couldn't hurt." Samon then takes a moment to look at you.

He had to admit, you do have a good point. He's been working himself too much so this break will be good for him. It's been about a month since that incident with Enki-

He stops himself when the memory came back in. Not just that one. Everything else. From good times with Enki, to bad times. To that specific one.

Shaking his head as if to get rid of the thoughts, he answers with a weak smile, "Yeah. I guess."

"Great. Now come on. It'll be fun. I promise." You hold out a hand to him with a kind, warming smile.

He couldn't help but smile along with you. Something about you, he couldn't put his finger on it but, you had this affect on him. He kinda likes it.

"So, is their anywhere specific you wanna go Doctor (L/n)." He says with a teasing smile, getting you back from earlier.

"Not really Supervisor Gokuu. However, I did make something in building 5's kitchen before coming over here. I could eat it for myself, unless you want some." You wink playfully at him.

"Do you have to ask." He chuckles.

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