Musashi x Reader: I wanna hold your hand

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"Right this way Mushu." You guide Musashi to the mess hall.

"I know where I'm going (Y/n)." Musahsi comments.

"I know but I just want to make sure." You say.

Once arriving to the mess hall, you guided him to a table.

"I appreciate this but I can get around on my own you know." Musashi sits down on a bench at a table.

"Right, sorry. I just want to help you out that's all." You smile.

He might not be able to see, but he knew you are smiling that adorable smile of yours.

"It's fine." He nods.

You giggle. 'I really just want to have a reason to cling to you for a bit but you don't need to know that~." You thought.

"I'll be right back. I'll go get us some lunch okay." You walk over to the lunch line.

"Sure." He smiles.

After a couple of moments, Musashi senses your presence getting near so he turns to you with a smile.

"I smell something good."

You laugh, "It's chicken teriyaki and white rice. I'm just gonna go get us some drinks before I join you. Anything you'd like to drink?" You place the plates down.

"I could get a glass of water. You want your usual?" He stands up.

You look at him taken back before quickly grabbing his hand.

"I'll go with you."

"That's nice but you should stay and guard our food. Someone could take it." He let's go of your hand and pats your head.

While he walks off to the lunch line, you sulk at the table, "He rejected my hand."

A moment later, Musashi walks over with two glasses in hand.

"Now we can eat." He chuckles.

-----Time Skip-----

Lunch hour is now over so the inmates are getting ready to go train and workout outside.

"Let's go. We gotta hurry if you wanna get under that tree you like." Musashi grabs your hand.

On the outside you smiled. It was pretty much normal.

On the inside.....

'Eh!? He's holding my hand! He's holding my hand! This time HE grabbed my hand! Normally I grab his but this time he made the move!'

Now you are starting to get an understand on how your sister fangirls over her crush on some guard in building 13.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now