Honey x Reader: Some Times Far pt.3

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"What's up with you?" Trois asks his cell mate.

Honey flinched, the sudden voice taking him by surprise.

Looking over his shoulder, he stared at his cell mate with wide eyes.

Trois grunted, seeing the devastated look on his face.

"(Y/n)....she's dead."

-----Time Skip-----

"Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years. (Y/n)'s death will always haunt him. Everyday he thought about her. The way her smile lit up the room. The way her blush made him feel warm inside. The way she devoted to him, making him fall for her even more. He misses her more than any-"

"Would you quit being dramatic?" Trois speaks up.

"Let me have my moment!" Honey yells.

"Years. It's only been a week. You make it sound like you are an elderly man, still hurting from their wife's death." Trois comments.

"Yeah well I feel like an old man who lost his wife!" Honey exclaims.

He stops and thought about what he had said, "Old man?"

"Wow. I thought the fact that you referred (Y/n) as you wife would get to you. Guess the old man thing is more important." Trois smiles smugly.

"Would you shut up!?" Honey yells, hair turning into arrows.

-----Time Skip-----

Honey stood back and watched as the cell 13, building 13 inmates flirted with Kaguya.

"What's wrong? You normally love it when Ms.Kaguya is around." Trois walks over to Honey.

Honey glances at him before walking away, to sit on a chair in a corner.

"What's the point? She's not (Y/n)." He sulks.

----Time Skip----

Honey laid in bed at night. The moon shining its lights through the cell window. Creating shadows of other objects. Trois slept silently. Honey couldn't.

He should be happy. He gets released tomorrow morning.

He's not though. He always thought that when he gets out, he would return to (Y/n). But now, he has no one. No (Y/n). That girl he adores with all his heart. She's gone.

He promised himself he wouldn't cry anymore. He promised.

Some promises are broken.

He silently cried himself to sleep.

-----The Next Day-----

He was getting released.

As he packed up his things-which isn't much-something caught his attention on the television.

The news channel. Their is a report. A girl faking her death. She faked her death to avoid kidnappers, who have been keeping their eye on her for awhile.

(Y/n) (L/n).

Honeys eyes widened, tears flowing down his face.

"Why are you still here?" Trois questions.

Honey turned to look at his friend shocked.

Trois smiled, "You should get out of here. She's waiting."

Honey wiped his tears and hugged his friend. Surprising both himself and Trois.

"I hate you. You knew she still loves me but you never said anything. You made me heartbroken because I thought she had really moved on. I understand though."

Trois pats his friends back, "How else was I supposed to motivate you? Now leave already. Maybe I'll visit you and (Y/n) when I'm released."

Honey pulls back and nods, "So I guess I'll see you next month?"

"Yeah." Trois nods.

Honey quickly left the cell, being escorted to the boat outside to take him home.

"I'm coming home (Y/n)." He whispers to himself.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now