Enki x Reader: Honest Feelings

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You walked through the crumbled buildings, making your way out of the village that once stood proudly.

Closing your eyes, you focused on the energy around you. It was like a ghost town. The only thing you could sense was the souls, disappearing into either heaven or hell. Few, wondering.

You sensed something much stronger.

Opening your eyes, you smiled sickly, "Enki."

Said man stood a few feet away from you. His left arm, cut pretty badly. He looked as though he stopped the bleeding but, that would never satisfy you.

"I thought I'd find you here." He simply says.

You tilted your head, "What happened to you? Theirs no way that's my work."

Enki walks forward, "Don't lie."

You pouted, "What? Just gonna assume things like that? I guess it wouldn't matter soon anyways."

Before the male can reply, a figure appeared in front of him within a blink of an eye.

Enki narrowed his eyes at the boy.

Not giving him time to react, you snapped your fingers.

In a flash, a loud yell can be heard. "Ah!"

You laughed in amusement.

Enki held his upper arm, trying to stop the bleeding.

His arm laid a foot away from him

You held your stomach, hunch in over, "M-my stomach! It hurts!" You laughed.

Calming down a bit, you straightened your posture. Letting out a satisfied sigh, you grin, "Good work specimen 15. You're proving yourself useful."

-----Time Skip-----

That was three years ago.

You no longer haunted Enki and Jyugo. Sure you hung around in the shadows, but mainly to watch over the new guy.

"You're doing it wrong Elf." You point out to the male.

"Shut up." He calls over his shoulder.

You both worked on a few last minute things on top of the roof of building 5.

Okay, so Elf wasn't exactly 'new'. He worked with him longer than you have but he was new to the whole killing thing and undercover missions.

You went over to the edge of the roof, falling off. "I'm off to see my favorite client."


You lurked in a far, dark corner of the office room where the talismans are held.

Enki sat at the desk, doing some paperwork.

"This is boring. Do something." You click your tongue.

Enki stops, glancing at your corner, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

You jump from your spot, landing on the floor beneath you, "I'm not allowed to say but..."

You moved closer. Actually, it was like you didn't move at all. You just appeared, right before his eyes.

You smiled widely, seeing him in pain.

"How does this feel?" You laugh.

Your butcher knife, plunged into his right leg.

Giggling, you watched with slanted eyes.

He tried to move, but it was pointless. You had thread, holding him back.

He let out a hiss of pain.

You laughed loudly, enjoying the scene before you.

"Ah!" You yelped.

You stared with wide eyes, mouth agape.

The tables had turned. Enki managed to free his arm, grabbing the large needle that hung at your waist.

You smiled. "Right there. Keep pressuring that spot. Don't you dare stop." You ordered.

Enki, startled, dropped the needle.

"Why did you stop? I really don't mind getting punished like that. You should give me something to apologize." You plunged the knife into his other leg.

You smiled and watched as you twisted the knife around.

"You've always been my favorite client Enki. Too bad you never remember." Just like that you're gone.

Enki sat there not being able to move. He got the treatment he needed when his younger brother found him.

When asked questions, Enki couldn't asnwer. How could he? He doesn't know how.

For years, you have tormented Enki Gokuu. Taking great pleasure in the pain he suffered.

Sometimes he remembered, he would forget with the snap of your fingers though.

The memory of you controlling Jyugo into attacking him? He remembers Jyugo attacking him, not you being the puppeteer.

You attacking him in his office? He doenst remember how it started, or how it ended. Or what happened.

"You like him don't you (Y/n)?" Elf asked one day.

You didn't reply at first. After the mission, you asnwered. "I might. However he can never know that. Because of he does, then he will remember everything."

"Even tye fact that we're inmates?"

"Even the fact that we're inmates."

Sorry I wasn't able to make it more of the reader being an inmate. I couldn't really think of a way to put all of your request in without making the chapter too long :/

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