Liang x Reader: Fluffiness

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Just something I want to say, I've started watching Haikyuu. Tanaka's my favourite XD

Now on with the fluffiness~♡

Reader POV

I poked my head around the corner. I scanned the room.

"Where is he." I mumbled under my breathe.

Inmates walked around, going to their seats with trays of food. Lunch hour. Probably everyone's favorite hour of feeding time. Hehe. We sound like hamsters.

Speaking of hamsters, if Liang and I don't hook up, I'm just gonna marry a hamster.

My gaze wondered around the room. It's kinda hard to focus now with hamsters on the brain. Yeah yeah, I get distracted easily I know. Honestly...I'm proud of it. I make myself laugh. However people look at me weirdly when I randomly start laughing. It's kind of embarrassing but I'll live.

I frowned. Liang wasn't anywhere from what I see.

Just then, a miracle happened.

"I'm getting some water." His deep voice gives me shills. He stood up, coming into my vision.

"How can a man be so beautiful?" I stared in awe at the love of my life.

"How can a man this beautiful even land himself in prison?" I requestioned.

Just then I felt a push from my rear end.

"Ah!" I yelped, hitting the floor with a thud.

"Ow." I let out a grown.

A rythmic tapping from behind me. I glance dover my shoulder and saw a guard.

"Get moving inmate." He demands.

I gulped and stood up-nearly falling in the process.

"Y-yes sir!" I ran off to the lunch line.

I wasn't completely watching where I was going and ended up bumping into someone.

"Ee!" I shriek.

"Huh?" The guy turns around. "(Y/n)." He starts with a smile.

I froze and smiled awkwardly. "H-hi!" You waved like a maniac. I had to grab my hand and push it down, feeling like I had no control over my actions.

Damn it Liang. It's your fault why I'm like this.

"You feeling alright? You're looking a bit red." His voice laced with concern.

My heart beat sped up.

'He's so caring.' I fangirl to myself.

"Yeah, I-I'm fime-fine!" I quickly corrected myself.

He gave me this look. Like he was completely lost. I gotta say, it's an adorable look on him.

I began to low key freak out-thinking he found me strange.

Just as I felt like my soul was leaving my body, he began laughing.

I blushed.

"So...carefree. It's amazing." I stared in awe.

He wiped a tear away from his eye, an amused smile on his face. "You really know how to make a person smile. No wonder you have the hearts of almost every inamte here."

Now it was my turn to be confused.

Do these inmates really have a crush on me?

I looked around the mess hall and saw some...looks. Some looked away with a blush. Some continued to look, either with a smirk or gentle smile. Some glaring at Liang. And others just minded there own business-making me assume they didn't have any sort of interest in me.

"Huh. I'm just noticing this now." I awkwardly waved at the guys, before chasing after Liang when the line began moving.

"You looked like you were looking for someone earlier. May I ask who?" I asked, grabbing two trays, handing me one.

I tensed. "Uh..."


What do I do?!

I practiced this earier!

My plan was to find Liang, confess and if things don't work out, marry a hamster.

But now...I feel like such a creep! I'm so ashamed! I practically stalked him! I think...well, I searched the room for him from behind a wall. That isn't creepy right? I'm not like those creepy and annoying girls you see in those anime when they are just in love with someone! Right!?


I'm not becoming one of them! I can't! I won't!

"Hello?" A hand waved in my face.

I blinked. "Eh?"

He chuckled. I must have made a silly face. It made me smile. Liang doesn't smile or laugh a lot. Probably not at all. Unless he's with me. I'm glad I'm the only one who can make him laugh.

"You spaced out." He commented.

"What else is new?" I looked to the side.

"So about my question-" He got cut off.

"Oh sorry." A guy in front of him said.

It was kinda too late though.

"Ah!" I yelped as I hit the floor.

It took a moment, but I was able to recover quite quickly and check what happened.

"Liang are you...okay..." I trailed off.

My pink blush, got darker, and darker, to the point where I looked like a bright red tomato.

Liang gulped.

"Your hand..." As soon as those word left my mouth, his right hand squeezed my boobs a few times, almost like he had no control.

"Sorry!" He flew back.

I turned over, hands holding my left boob. "It's okay."

'He just touched my boob.' I mentally fangirl.

Hehe. I'm not entirely sure if this counts as fluffy but I tried lol

Also sorry for not uploading during the past week! I've had writers block and have been working on a secret project

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