Ruka x Reader: Map Hunting

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The New Years Tournament.

It's building 3 against building 9 and so far, building 9 is winning. Surprising isn't it?

"Woah! Looks like buildings 4 and 13 are losing their spotlight! Buildings 3 and 9 may just be the new top buildings in Nanba!" Mitsuru shouted in the microphone.

Building 9's new supervisor is practically a superhuman. Kiji had gotten stronger too.

Anyways, the second match just ended and the third match is just beginning.

The third match is Map Hunting. Basically one guard and one inmate work together to find a map. Each round has one map. It's not as easy as it sounds though. The map gets placed on a carpet and said carpet is rolled up. The difficult part, the rolled up carpet is thrown at a random direction, blending in with all the other 200 or so carpets. If you find the map, it will lead you to a little statue of Warden Hyakushiki, the object that automatically gets you to the final match.

"I didn't expect to be up against my girlfriend." Ruka says smugly.

You walk over to the middle of the arena, standing across from Ruka.

"I wouldn't get so cocky. Building 9 is then new number 1. We knocked building 13 out of building ranks, we can knock out building 3." You smile smugly.

"Don't forget building 3 became the new number 2. Building 4 was easy to beat for the second Building Rank position. We can beat building 9." Ruka comments.

"May the match begin!" At Mitsuru's command, yourself and an inmate ran to two piles near yourselves. Ruka and an inmate, doing the same.

You grabbed a carpet and unrolled it, "Nope. Not it." You throw it over your shoulder.

"One carpet out of over 200. How wonderful." Ruka mumbles to himself sarcastically.

Ruka went to grab another carpet. Just as he touched it, he jumped back, "Ow! What the hell was that?!"

He took a closer look and saw a snake, "Ahh! It is poisonous!?"

"Keep in mind there are a few 'gifts' in there." Mitsuru laughs.

You look over your shoulder at Ruka, "Please don't be poisonous. I'm rather fond of my boyfriend." You mumbled.

-----Time Skip-----

It's been about ten minutes since the match began and things were getting more challenging.

From what started out was 'gifts' in various areas, turned into capturing inmates WHILE doing the challenge. It was a way to have the guards train themselves to multitask with stressful situations.

"Get back here!" Ruka chased after an inmate. The inmate working along side him continued to search through carpet to carpet.

You glanced at him and laughed, "Someone's getting stressed."

"As if your one to talk. You yelled at me earlier to not freak out when you were the one freaking out." The inmate working along side you deadpanned.

----A few minutes earlier----

"It's getting more challenging. It's getting more challenging." You panicked.

The inmate looked at you concerned, "Are you okay-"

"Don't freak out!" You shout at him, totally freaking out.

He sweat drops.


You blink before laughing nervously, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

While Ruka chases after an inmate-while at the same time, looking through carpets-the inmate pulled a carpet from the bottom of a whole pile of them.

"Oh no." Ruka whimpered.

You took a carpet that came rolling near you and opened it, "I found it!" You held up the carpet high in the air.

The inmates and guards cheered.

You looked around for Ruka, "Where's Ruka?"

"He's buried alive right now." Ruka's companion pointed at a few piles of carpets.

Your eyes widened, "Ruka!" Throwing the carpet at your 'team mate', you ordered him to find the statue.

You went digging through a few piles, "Ruka? Ruka where are you?!" You called in a panic.

"Come on Ruka!" Kiji jumped down into the arena, also looking through various of piles.

It's been a couple of minutes and you couldn't find Ruka.

"I don't know where I am!" Ruka yells.

"If I could find you I would kiss you." You panicked.

"Here I am!" Ruka's head pops up immediately from a pile a few meters away from you.

"Where was that energy five minutes ago?!" Kiji fumed.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now