Yamato x Reader x Seitarou: Alone Time

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Sighing in content, Yamato smiled joyfully as he walked into building 13's main office.

"Hahahaha! What a wonderful day." He walked over to the table at the side, where he made himself some tea.

"But it was raining." You replied, watching him with a straight face.

Seitarou then spoke up, catching your attention, "True but everything does have a certain sparkle to it after the rain clears up."

Thinking about it for a moment, you nodded in agreement. It's true. Everything did have this sparkling touch to it after the rain clears and the sun comes up.

Yamato walked over to the couch where Seitarou and yourself were sitting, he held a tray with him.

"Here." He placed-I'm sorry- mean slammed the cups down on the table.

Jumping back as the tea drops splashed on you, your eyes widened, "It's hot!"

"Be careful deputy supervisor!" Seitarou exclaimed worried.

Ah Nanba....life was great because of it.

-----Time Skip-----

"We've got a break out!" Seitarou shouted, alerting other guards.

He sat in the monitoring room, looking over every screen worriedly.

The sirens went off, giving the signal that something is up in building 13.

You sat in the chair next to him, trying to contact Yamato with your walkie.

"Yamato!" You called into it.

Just then, the door slammed open.

Jumping slightly, you both looked back to see who it was.

"Hajime?" Seitarou yelps.

"Hajime-san...." You trailed off.

You weren't....as close with him as Seitarou and Yamato were. Those three had some....weird friendship going on while you were just terrified of the tall man with that scar over his eye.

"What inmates?" He asked, walking further into the room.

Seitarou replied, "The ones in cell 13. All four of them."

"I should have known." Hajime closes his eyes annoyed.

You glanced at the monitors, looking where one of them could be running by.

"There!" You pointed at a screen.

"Hello!" Yamato's cheerful voice came through your walkie.

Grabbing it, you were gonna reply when Seitarou spoke over you, "They're coming your way Yamato!"

"Understood!" Yamato replied.

You three watched as Yamato chased around the inmates.

They ended up losing him and Yamato ended up losing himself.

"Could you tell me where I am? Hahahahaha!" He laughs, rubbing the back of his head.

Suddenly, the screen was busted due to Hajime's fist.

He held his fist up, and angry expression on his face.

You smiled nervously, "So much for him,"

"He's pretty useless when it comes to directions." Seitarou continued on with a nervous smile.

After awhile, Hajime ended up having to go outside, to deal with the inmates himself.

"I'll go fetch Yamato." You stood up from your place.

Seitarou nodded, "That would be for the best."

-----Time Skip-----

"Yamato!" You waved, walking over to the man wondering the halls with a happy smile.

"Ah! Hello (Y/n)! Come to be my compass I assume?" He greets with a smile.

Nodding, you placed a hand on your hip, "Yup. Now let's go. Hajime said something about you taking night shift."

He nods, "I see. Well I'm honoured."

It was silent for a moment as you walked.

"You're gonna train all night aren't you?"

"What was your first guess?" He smiled joyfully, making you giggle.


Hajime walked into the monitoring room, after getting the inmates back to their cells.

He looked around when not seeing Seitarou at the chair.

He then heard whimpering.

Looking over to a corner, he sweat dropped, "What's wrong?"

Seitarou cried waterfalls, "Why does Yamato spend so much time her alone!? Whenever (Y/n) and I are alone, it's only for a minute before someone else enters the picture!?"

Sighing, Hajime replied, "I swear, this love triangle is a pain in the ass. I'm glad I'm not in one." You sure bout that Hajime bro?

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now