Various x Reader: Our Deadpan Girl

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Making your rounds, you glanced at every cell you passed.

Then, you neared cell 13.

"Hey there." No.11, Uno, smirked.

You walked forward, "Back away from the door."

"Why? Is their a rule saying I can't be near my cell door?" He smirked, trying to lean closer but to no vail.

"No but because of you and your friends actions, we'd prefer it if you stayed far away from the door, and further into your cell." You replied, before walking off calmly.

"I would stay in my cell longer if it meant you could spend time with me." He called.

Waving a hand, you replied, "Not interested. Now go look through your porn magazine."


"Let's go 25." You opened the cells door, watching as no.25, Nico, walked out happily.

"Do you know what kind of medicine today's will taste like?" He asks with stars in his eyes.

Shrugging, you replied without as much as giving him a glance. "Nope and nor do I care."

He frowned.

You both walked in silence. Then, he  roke it almost eagerly.

"Can you hold my hand while the doctor checks up on me?"

Stopping, you looked back, staring at him dead in the eye.

"No." With that, you continued on while Nico trudged behind, once again, rejected.


Opening the filing cabinet, you looked at the name tags on each folder, searching for the right one.

"I know you're here 15." At your sudden point out, you heard Jyugo jump out of the closet.

"Damn it! How did you know!"

"You're terrible at trying to be hidden you know." Eyes glued to the multiple folders, your eyes glimmered with interest. "Found it." You mumbled.

Hearing Jyugo get closer, he leaned up nice and close to you, "What do you got there?"

His hot breathe near your ear didn't phase you at all.

"Your files. I thought while you're here, we could do an interview as to why you escape." You turned around, purposely stepping on his foot in the process.

"Ow! You know I don't wear shoes!"

"Shoes are meant to protect your feet. Get some." You glared at him, before dragging him off to the interigation room.


"Alright, what is it Godai-san?" You crossed your arms.

On the ground before you, is Yamato doing push ups.

He had asked you to meet him on the training grounds, where he pretty much always is.

"Ah." He sighed happily, standing up. "Theirs no need to be so formal (Y/n). We're friends aren't we? Hahahahahaha?" He laughed whole heartedly.

You cracked an awkward smile, 'I hate interacting with people. I never know what to do.'

"So anyways, the reason I asked you here is because I want to escort you on a date." He smiled.

Turning around, you walked off, "No thanks."

He stood their silently. ' least she stuck around longer this time.' He thought with a laugh.

"Hajime?" You knocked on the door, alerting said supervisor that you're near and would like to talk.

"What is it?" He looks over after puffing his smoke.

Walking closer, you glared at him, "What the hell happened to our deal?"

He froze. Standing up immediately, he started yelling, "I wanted one really badly okay?!"

Rolling your eyes, you left the smoke room, "Our deal was that if you could drop smoking for a month, I would consider going on a date with you. You barely lasted three days."

"I could do better!"

"Thanks Hajime!" You replied sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant!" He corrected himself.

'Whatever. I still wouldn't go out with yoy, even if you quit smoking all together.' You thought, continuing on with your day.


Feeling a hand on your shlulder, you turned back, looking annoyed,

"What do you want Nagisa!?" You shouted.

Stopping, you noticed it was only Rock.

" What's up?" You recollected yourself.

"Uhhh....nothing much, just wanted to ask if you'd like to eat lunch with me." He smiled awkwardly.

Turning away, you crossed your arms, "A guard eating lunch with an inmate? Did you hit your head while getting your ass beat by Hajime or something?" You clicked your tongue.

Actually calming himself before he lost his temper, he asked, "Hey, about earlier. Who's Nagisa?"

"My little sister. Kinda grew used to having her annoy me and me yelling at her. Kinda our thing." You shrugged.

Feeling Rock lean closer, he whispered huskily, "You know...we could have a thing." He suggested.

"Go. Eat." You pointed at a table.

"Yes ma'am." He sulked.


"Man! Such a troublesome day!" You exclaimed, plopping down on the couch in the break room.

"I can only image how much you were bothered by the inmates amd guards." Seitarou smiled sympathetically.

Laying down, you got comfortable, "Yeah it's kinda a pain. Even Hajime."

Sensing him get closer, you felt Seitarou lift you up and sitting down and holding you in his lap.

"Is it okay for me to do this?" He stuttered with a blush.

Opening your eyes, you stared at him. You were giving him the "really" face. "You become one of them, you get cold shoulder too."

He cried waterfalls, "Is just want you to love me!"

"Everyone wants me to love them!" You exclaimed in a panic, not knowing what to do with a crying person.

"I know and that sucks! I can't have you to myself!"

"Seitarou! Please! You're my only friend! I don't need you to add to the harem!"

Quick question, the rumour is that Nanbaka season 3 is coming out in January 2018. I'm not sure if it was confirmed but either way...we're getting closer. Anyone else looking forward to it? Or is it just me XD

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