Rokuriki x Reader: It's (not) him

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Rokuriki looked between the different screens in the monitoring room. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. That was good but he was looking for someone while on the job.

"Where is she?" He mumbles to himself.

"You mean me?"

Rokuriki yelps at the sudden voice.

He turns around, seeing you stand there with a confused look.

"(Y/n) scared me..." He pants, catching his breathe.

You sweat drop,"Why do people get surprised to see me? I work here, I'm gonna show up."

-----Time Skip-----(if you're not a meat eater, I hope you're okay with this! It's just a short fanfic, nothing serious!)

Grabbing a slice of pizza, you bit into it happily.

"Hm I love pizza." You mumbled.

Rokuriki smiled, "Chew first (Y/n). You're gonna choke." 

You blinked, smiling cheekily. Swallowing the chewed food in your mouth, you chirped, "Okay!"

His older brother then walked into the room.

"Hey, why isn't this box open?" Youriki points at a pizza box that has yet to be opened.

You grimace, "It's the healthy pizza. The pizza with all the vegetables on it."

Rokuriki nods, "Who puts vegetables on pizza? What's wrong with people?"

Youriki stares at the two of you seriously, "It's more healthy for you. Just eat once slice."

"No." Rokuriki deadpans.

"It almost as bad as pineapple pizza." You fake gag.


"Hey Rokuriki." You call for your friends attention.

He looks up from his drink-which he has been staring at for awhile,"What is it?"

"Earlier you seemed like you were looking for me. Was there something you needed?" You asked before taking a bite out of your rice ball.

Rokuriki tensed.

It was lunch time and the two of you decided to have your lunch break in the malls cafeteria. Rokuriki bought the two of you some drinks, you bringing the food from home. To you it was just lunch. To him, well....he kinda imagined it as a date. Though, it seemed more like one of your usual hang outs.

Quickly thinking of something, Rokuriki rambled on about how lunch with you was great. That being his pathetic excuse to searching for you earlier.

Laughing nervously, you stop him, "Is there a real reason?"

He stops with a nervous and shocked expression, "Uh...not really."

"Then what?" You leaned forward.

He blushed, seeing you so close to him. Fidgeting, he speaks, "I...want to tell you the dream I had last night. You were in it."

"I was?" You chirped happily.

He nods confidently, "Yeah. I had this nightmare were cows came and obducted you. They had big round eyes," He connects his thumbs to his pointer fingers as he placed them over his eyes, "like this."

You stared at him taken back before giggling, "You made that entire thing up, didn't you?"

He smiles, "Maybe."

Eyes full of curiosity, you stare into your friends eyes. "Are you...?"

Rokuriki states back questionably, "Am I..?" He urges you to go on.

Shaking your head, you smile with a light blush, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Uh okay..." He trails off awkwardly.

The rest of lunch was spent quite awkwardly for once. It was weird. Though, both didn't question whether or not to say anything to one another. They had other things on there mind.

'Damnit...why is she so cute?' Rokuriki blushed at his own thought.

You glanced at him. His face was full blown pink, kinda reminded you of his brother, Kokoriki.

'Is it bad...that I'm crushing on my boyfriends brother?' You thought shamefully. 'Rokuriki....are you in love with anyone?' You replayed your question in your head. Getting that scenario out of your head, tears stinged your eyes, "Rokuriki...I'm thinking of breaking up with Kokoriki."




"....I'm...not in love with him anymore."

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now