Seitarou x Reader: Building Hopper

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"Is this what goes on all the time?" You asked Seitarou.

"Unfortunately yes." He smiles nervously. You nod.

It's been two weeks since you got transferred to work in building 13. You missed building 4 but building 13 was becoming more interesting each day.

"Kinda weird, but fun. I could get used to it here." You relaxed into the chair as you watched the multiple screens.

"It is quite interesting here." Seitarou smiles.

-----Time Skip-----

"Want some tea?" Seitarou walks over to you in the guard room.

"Sure." You nod.

"I'll be right back." He smiles and heads over to the snack table.

"You two are really close. Closer than usual. Is their something special between the two of you?" Kenshirou walks over to you.

"That is none of your business flee-bag." You poke his nose.

Ignoring the nickname, he continues, "It's in your best option that you pack up. I spoke with the Warden recently and she has made her decision to have you sent back to building 4." You look at him shocked.

"Wait...(Y/n)'s going back to building 4?" Seitarou walks over, a hurt look on his face.

"That's not fair. Why do I have to keep switching form building to building? I finally got in a building I like and I'm leaving?" You complain.

"Wardens orders." Kenshirou says before walking away.

Both guards stand their shocked. It was just the two of them in the guard room.

"So....wanna help me pack or wanna go grab lunch?" You turned to Seitarou.

"Lunch. It will get our minds off of your sudden building switch." He pecks your nose.

"I knew it!" Kenshirou turns the corner, pointing a finger at you.

You just deadpan, "Did you just wanna know if we were dating?"

"I think we should go now." Seitarou grabs your hand, taking you out of the guard room.

"But my tea, you went through so much to make it." You look over your shoulder at the abandoned cup of tea.

"I believe I may be of service." Kenshirou walks into the room, grabbing the cup and drinking the tea to himself.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now