Nico x Reader x Uno: Silent Treatment

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Having two, sweet boyfriends is nice. You really don't mind and you don't care what people say about it.

It can be annoying and frustrating though. Let's go back to this morning. A problem that happened at least once a week.


"You got to spend the day with her yesterday." Nico whined to Uno.

"Yeah but you got to cuddle her all night." Uno retorted.

"That's not fair! I want to have her for myself for just the day!"

"You got to cuddle her last night! She's like the best cuddler! Don't be selfish!"

Getting annoyed with all this, you just simply made your way out of your cell. It was breakfast and your cell was unlocked by a guard. The guard escorted you five towards the mess hall, but you walked further ahead.

~~~And Now~~~

That pretty much brings us here.

"Hey (Y/n), wanna go to my game room after breakfast?" Uno asks.

You continue to eat your breakfast, ignoring the male.

"Let's go to my arcade room!" Nico comes to hug you from behind.

You shrug him off and silently eat.

The two boys glance at each other before looking at you.

Rock and Jyugo sweat dropped in the background.


For the rest of the day it went like this. Them trying to get your attention for even just a second. You ignoring them and minding your own business. Eventually, you got more annoyed and instead of ignoring, you went into hiding.

"Hajime." You called out to said man.

"What do you want? And why are you here?!" He looks at you. Well, where he heard your voice come from. A large plant.

"Are they gone?" You poked your head out of from between the stems and leaves.

"Who? Those boyfriends of yours? They should be in their cell. Somewhere you should be." He moves from his desk and grabs you.

"Wait! I'm giving them the silent treatment! They argue over me and I want to punish them for it!" You wiggle out of his grasp.

"Put the sexy minx down!" Uno suddenly pops up from behind one of the couches.

"You hurt her then I will hurt you, you evil do-er!" Nico points at Hajime.

"You're supposed to be in your cell!" Hajime yells at them.

"Where the hell did you guys come from?" You point over at Jyugo and Rock.

"What the-? You guy are here too!?" Hajime takes notice of the two you pointed at.

"I'm just here because the entire situation is amusing." Rock smiles.

"They made me unlock the cell." Jyugo comments.

"Okay then..." You trail off.

"My poor girl! Did he hurt you? Show Uno-bear if he did." Uno hugs the life out of you.

"Please don't ignore us! We promise we won't fight anymore!" Nico joins in on the hug.

'I guess they heard about the silent treatment huh?' You thought.

You weren't done your mission yet though. Until tomorrow morning you would end their punishment.

But then, they gave you the puppy dog eyes.

"That's not fair." You sigh after looking into their glossy, puppy eyes.

"Yay!" They cheer and hug you.






"Finish this in your goddamn cell." Hajime says after hitting you all once in the head.

"Okay Hajime." All five of you whimpered.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now