Chapter 1 Part 2

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Chapter 1 part 2 Time.

Yuki kept her word. When she said, she would only be going out on more night. After that last night. Yuki came home. Not leaving the house at night again. Once a week, she would go visit Zero's grave. Refreshing his flowers and sitting with him for hours. The rest of the time, she was with the kids. Trying to spend time with them. Being the mother, she needed to be. She still wasn't herself. Parts of her missing. She was dark and cold. More than she ever has been. Her and Kaname have been getting along pretty good. He gives her the freedom she needs. Letting her go to see Zero. Even taking the kids out, like she use to. When she was married to Zero.

Kaname even opened up his office to her. Letting her work alongside him. Being part of the business. Taking her out of town, when he had to go. Which he didn't do as often. He tried to be there for her and the children as much as he could be. Learning a lot from past mistakes. Doing his best not to repeat. Takuma no longer lives at the manor. He only visits when Kaname needs him for something. Otherwise, he has moved out into his own home. Yuki not wanting him there. Never liking that he was Kaname's spy. Takuma never really getting over what Yuki did to him. He saw the evil in her. There were times it shined through without her even trying.

Yuki slept next to Kaname every night. Never leaving his bed. Only on occasion, when she would go into Zero's old quarters, falling asleep holding his pillow in her arms. Kaname let it all go. Never saying a word. There was nothing to fight over. He wasn't jealous of a pillow. Plus he knew her love was strong for Zero. That it wasn't just going to go away. If he could deal with her sleeping with the real thing. A pillow was nothing. Its been a year since Zero has been gone. Yuki has not yet had sex with Kaname or anyone for that matter. That part of the dark side fading. She does her best to control her blood blond. Only taking half a blood tablet of Zero's remaining blood. Doing her best to make them last. She holds them dear to her heart. Kaname knowing that when they are finished, there may be problems. It was the only thing holding her together at the moment. He just figured another thing to overcome. They have come so far.

Kaname is at peace at the moment. Things are calm. He knows, Yuki is pretty much just going through the motions. He just takes her word. When she says she will not leave. There really isn't anywhere for her to go. She does do more things around the manor then she had in the past. When they first had gotten married, she did nothing. The staff did it all. Then when she moved out into the townhouse with Zero she learned to cook. To take care of a home. To be a mother and even a wife. She has been using her skills. Only using Berta when need be. Trying to keep her mind active, so the thoughts dont invade them. Kaname loved it. Finally, he got the Yuki he always wanted. Not even caring they were not having sex. He figured it would come in time. At least now they were speaking. They were friends. They would be in the same room and share their children. Its only been four months that Yuki has been awake. Getting use to the fact Zero was gone. He saw her sadness here and there. How things would hit her. She would work through it. Trying not to show any emotion. There were also times, she would go sit outside with the plague. Kaname had made for Zero. She would spend hours there at times. Kaname knew he was sharing her again. Just with a dead man. 

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