Chapter 87 Part 2 Garden

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Chapter 87 part 2 Garden.

During these few weeks, Yuki has been doing her best to move on. Trying not to give in to her feelings. Being the best mom and wife she can be. Even though thoughts of Zero take over her mind and body. She has been downing tons of blood tablets lately. Trying to crave all of her desires for him. Just remembering him putting his arms around her. His lips brushing up against hers. How she misses being so close to him. Wanting her old Zero back. Just not sure if it's a good thing or not. If this life she forced him to have, was the one he really wanted.

She let go a lot with Kaname, Letting him be able to go out of town if need be. Or go on day trips. As long as he promised to not make them too long. So he just was doing ones that were only for a day here and there. Not really wanting to leave her and his family. Kaname notices that she was curbing her desires. Not rushing to him, every time Zero made her come undone. He didn't know how many blood tablets she was taking to be able to work this. She always tried not to let him know her real feelings. Not wanting him hurt.

One night, while looking out the window, she notices that Zero's lights are off. That the house he is staying in is dark. She sees his jeep outside. Knowing he couldn't have gone too far. Yet she still wonders. Even though she has been staying away from him for about a month, she still watches him. Still thinks about him. Just trying to give them both space. To give him a chance to get out of this. If he really wanted to. She knows he nows remembers things. Just not sure if he is like the old Zero now. Or the one from months ago is still there. It makes her leary. Remembering how cruel he could be. How he treated her like nothing but trash. Yet she still couldn't help but long for him. In her mind it was crazy. She should be over him by now. Able to walk away. Just as much as she wanted to. Part of her didn't.

She keeps looking out the window seeing that it's getting late and he isn't home yet. It's a beautiful night. So she goes outside and sits under the tree, Zero always sits under. Close to the guest house. So she will see him when he passes by to go home. She sits there taking in the nightly air. Looking up at the full moon, and the shooting stars. Remembering how she and Zero would be out this late every night back in school. How she missed those days.

It's getting later and later and Yuki gets a bit worried. Not wanting to leave till she knew he was home safe. How would she explain her outside? She didn't want him to know. Why she was really there. At the same time, she couldn't bring her self to leave without knowing when and if he would come home. She gets up thinking about Wendy. Looking at the garden shed. Making sure no one was there. Having a panic come over her that maybe he was out with her? He wouldn't? Would he? If he truly was himself he wouldn't. She thought.

As all crazy thoughts run through her mind, she sees him walking peacefully down to the guesthouse. Holding his bag and blanket. His silver hair shining in the moonlight. His lean body sexy as ever. She can't help but just stares at him. This lovely man walking towards her. The one that always seems to be able to take her breath away.

"Yuki what are you doing out here so late? Is everything ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, I was just sitting here looking at the moonlight. It's such a beautiful night." She replies. "Yes, it is. I got caught up looking up at it myself."Zero answers. "Have you been out long?" Yuki asks. "Yes, all day in fact. I went to walk the grounds. They are so beautiful. I wanted to see more of them. I never really got to see much before. I went all the way down to the tombs. I now see why you use to go there. It's so peaceful." Zero replies. "Yes, no one really goes there. So you're all alone. It's quiet and peaceful like you said." Yuki says. "Would you mind if I sit here? To look up at the stars?" Zero asks. 'No, that's fine." Yuki answers. Longing to be close to him. Just trying her best for him not to see that." Zero takes a seat next to her, Wrapping them both in the blanket he took with him. Looking up at the sky."It really is nice here. I see why you don't want to leave it. You can get really used to it here." Zero states. "It's our family home. I never really saw it as anything before. Just a place I was held captive. A place I hated. Now I see it as home. The safe place away from all else. I guess time does change things." Yuki responds. "I would hope you would feel safe with me again. I know. I lost a lot of your trust. I would like to gain that back. If I can?" Zero explains. "There was a time, I felt the safest in your arms. Like no one would hurt me. Like it was the only place I should be. " She says looking into his eyes. "I want you to feel that again. Please give me chance." Zero asks. " Have you given anything I said to you before a thought?" Yuki comments. "Yes, it's all I have been thinking about this whole month." Zero remarks. "Good. It's getting late. I should be going." Yuki responds. Getting up from the grassy ground. "Thank you for sitting with me for a while. I enjoyed it." Zero replies. "So did i." Yuki states.

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