Chapter 24 Part 2 memories

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Chapter 24 Part 2 Memories.

Yuki behaves herself. She goes up to bed next to Kaname. Who is very surprised to see her there. "Everything ok?" Kaname asks. "Yes. I am just tired." Yuki answers. "Not going to see him?" Kaname asks. "No. It's his first night here. I will give him space. You heard his Pureblood remarks." Yuki answers. "That sounds like a good plan. Yes, I did. I thought he would be worse towards me. He always hated me. Just seems without you in the middle, he pays no attention to me now." Kaname says. "Not sure if that is a good or bad thing." Yuki answers. Turning out the light. Snuggling up next to him.

The next morning, she gets up bright and early to make breakfast. Like she use to. Zero smelling the delicious food all the way from his quarters. He gets up and dressed. Coming down to get some. "Good Morning." Zero says. "Morning. I made you your favorites." Yuki replies. "Thank you. Everything Smells and looks delicious." Zero answers. Kaname coming to the table, Grabbing a plate. Sitting down to eat. "How was your night last night Zero?" Kaname asks. "Very good. That bed is very comfortable. Then I guess it would be. You wouldn't have anything less." Zero responds. "Yes, you always did like it."Kaname answers. Ignoring the sarcasm again. "I see there are some of my things still there." Zero says. "Yes. Yuki wouldn't let anyone touch anything that belonged to you." Kaname comments. "I see that. Thank you." Zero answers. Not really sure what to say. This was just weird. "I would like to spend more time with the kids. I really enjoyed yesterday." Zero adds. "That's great. I will be in my office. If either of you needs me. "Kaname remarks. Kissing Yuki's head. Walking out of the room.

 "He seems to really care about you." Zero replies. "He does. Wasn't that very uncomfortable with me being around?" Zero asks. "We were not always around him. We were at our own home. I preferred being with you. It was something he got used to over time. There were just circumstances where I couldn't leave him. Otherwise, I would have only been married to you." Yuki admits. "I see. and now? A pureblood marrying a hunter. That sure should did socked it to him. I wish i could remember his face." Zero asks. "Kaname still knows that I love him, but can never love him the way I do you. I told him that. I was very honest about it. We have come along way from what we were. He is ok with it, as long as I don't leave him." Yuki answers. "He seems to be taking this very well. Still needing his control though. Not wanting you to leave him. I don't remember things, but I don't think I could handle it like he is. Him being the pureblood bastard he is. I saw him more of a challenge." Zero admits. "I think you not having the same feelings towards me. Is helping him out a lot. Anyway. I have something I want to show you. If that is ok?"Yuki says. "Sure, that's fine just let me know when." Zero responds. "You have your time with the kids. I will show you later on today." Yuki remarks. "Great." Zero states. Yuki paying no attention to any of the comments made about purebloods. She knew how he felt about them. She wasn't going to give in to them making things worse. It wasn't going to make anything better, if she let him have it for it.

He gets up and goes upstairs spending time with the children. Its what he wanted most. To get to know his son more. To show him he is here. He wanted him. Those feelings never changed or went away. For Yuki, he still didn't feel anything, but awkward. Knowing how much she loved him. Where he felt nothing in return. Still not sure how he was so in love with this person once. She didn't seem like his type at all. He did appreciate her not crowding him. He was scared when he got here she wouldn't leave him alone. Be extra clingy. He wasn't looking forward to that. He wasn't the type. Having her hang onto him. To his surprise, she was nothing like that. He was glad.

After dinner, They go to put the children to bed. Another flash comes to Zero. Remembering, when they use to do this every night. Again he keeps that to himself. Just now knowing there was a real relationship between them. It still baffled him.

"You said you had to show me something?" Zero ask on the way out of Ren's room. "Yes, If you don't mind coming to me to the garage. You might want to grab your jacket. It's a bit breezy out tonight." Yuki explains. "Sure. Meet you at the front door. "Zero answers. Grabbing his tan trench coat. They both walk to the garage. Yuki doing her best to keep her distance. She opens the garage door. Walking in. "This is yours. I thought you might want it back." Yuki says. Pointing to the jeep. "Wow, really? Looks awesome." Zero replies. "Yes, it's yours. I kept it in the garage. I did borrow it sometimes. It kept me close to you. I doubt I will need it anymore." Yuki remarks. "Thank you. I don't remember buying it." Zero says. "You didn't. I gave it to you as your 21st birthday present. It was very special." Yuki admits. "Sounds it. I don't really like parties."Zero states. "Oh, I know. You did give in to me. Just to make me happy. It was just Me you, Kaname, Kaien, and Yagari. It was a very nice night. We drove around in the jeep for a while. Just me and you. I will remember it always." Yuki comments. "Well, Would it be ok if we took a ride now?" Zero asks. "That would be wonderful. She answers. Jumping in the jeep.

She tells Zero more about his birthday. How she took him shopping and other things. He can remember some just not all. Still keeping it to himself. He sees how happy she is when she is with him. The glow on her face. He can't believe he can make someone feel that way. He just doesn't want her to get any wrong ideas. He knows that would only hurt her more. It's not what he is looking for. At the same time, not sure he could ever feel about her. The way she claimed he use to.

"Well, it was very nice riding around with you. Thank you for the invite." Yuki says. "No problem. Thank you for telling me all those stories. It was nice hearing someone else's stories. Not my own. Yet it was very nice to be able to hear what we once had." Zero comments. "Anything you want to know feel free to ask." Yuki replies. Zero just smiles as they walk back to the house. "Its pretty late, I'm heading to bed. I will see you tomorrow." Yuki remarks. "Night." Zero replies.

Yuki goes upstairs to Kaname's quarters. Feeling only half herself. That she left the other half with just knew better. He didn't feel that way about her. She didn't push it. Just to love him so deeply hurt her. When he had nothing to give in return.

"My dear. Everything ok?" Kaname asks. Waiting there purposely to see if she was coming to bed. Just keeping his true feelings under wraps. "Yes, I gave Zero his Jeep back. I did buy it for him. He should have it. He took me for a ride. I told him the story of when I gave it to him, and a few others. I left him off and came to bed. Sorry, it's late." Yuki states. Kaname shocked. "No problem at all. I am glad to see all went well." Kaname replies. "I guess it's the best its going to be. Good night Kaname." Yuki responds. Getting into bed. "Night my love." Kaname replies turning off the light.

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