Chapter 63 Part Decisions

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Chapter 63 part 2 Decisions.

Takuma leaves and Kaname remains in his office. Thinking about everything that was just stated. It drove him insane. That he yet again may have to be stuck with Kiryu. While he is sitting there Yuki strolls in. "My love, just the person. I wanted to see." Kaname states. "I just thought I would come to say hi. Is there anything I can do for you?" Yuki asks. "Yes, you can bring the ingrate to me. I have some things to discuss. With both of you."Kaname states. "Kaname, please. There is no need to call him that. We have to be mature about this. You normally are. Just I see with Zero, sometimes. Even you come undone." Yuki comments. "I can't help myself. There is so much you can take from one person. I do agree with what you said. I will be mature. I can just be myself with you. As I hope you can with me." Kaname states. "Of course. I will retrieve him." Yuki answers.

Yuki goes upstairs to Zero's Quarter,s finding him laying in bed. "Sorry to bother you," Yuki says. "No, its no bother. Everything ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, Kaname would like to speak to both of us. Something that involves us all. I am not sure what it is." Yuki comments. "I figured it was just a matter of time," Zero responds. "I can help you. If you need me to." Yuki says. Zero taking that to get near her." Sure that would be great. I am still a little wobbly. I also wanted to say sorry about last night. If I said or did anything to hurt you. I wanted to say more, but you ran away." Zero replies. "I just know how you feel about me. So it makes it hard to be around you. Or to even talk to you." Yuki admits. "I see. I know I haven't been great to you lately. I just want you to know. That I am seeing things differently now. I don't hate you. I don't really have any bad feelings towards you anymore. I am sorry for all I have done." Zero admits. "I don't know what is going on with you. I just can't forgive you for everything just like that. Just because you say your sorry. I don't even know if I trust you if we are being honest with each other. I know what you're after from me. I am sorry, but I will no longer be giving that up to you. I have learned to respect myself." Yuki answers. "I understand that. I am glad you have. I do want you to know, that I am not after that. I would like us to try to at least be friends." Zero replies. "You said that to me before. Then it just went to getting into my pants any time you felt like it. Throwing me to the side, taking what you wanted. Then walking out." Yuki howls. "Please, I don't want to fight with you. I really mean it this time."Zero responds. "We will see," Yuki replies. Helping Zero down the stairs.

Zero sees this isn't going to be easy. Not only because of Kaname but just with all he has done to her. She is bitter and hurt. He knew he was going to have to prove himself. To keep any physical contact to a minimum. Just so she would see that wasn't the only thing he was after.

Once downstairs they go into Kaname's office. Him sitting at his desk with his glass of wine. "Have a seat," Kaname says. "What do you need Kaname?" Zero asks. "Well, Yuki wanted us to divorce you. She told me to look into things." Kaname answers. Zero dies inside just not showing it on the outside. Not letting Kaname know any of his true feelings. Not wanting him to know he is coming back to himself. Or to laugh at him in any way.

"Yes, So what have you found out?" Zero asks. "This isn't going to be as easy as I would like it to be. First, if I put it on that we don't want you anymore. The vampires will have a field day with that. Wanting to come after you. Chasing you. Tormenting you. As much as I would find, pleasure in that. My dear wife has reminded me to be mature. Second, if I say you dumped us. We look like idiots who let the Hunter make asses out of us. They may still come after you. ANd I don't look like the Big mean Pureblood. I am. They would ask why I haven't killed you? Why I let you do this? Why I even was dumb enough to let us marry you in the first place? Which all those questions would be reasonable. Plus both ways does put Ren into play again. So, unfortunately, I think we are all still stuck with each other. Unless you want everything that comes with letting go?" Kaname asks. "I never was the one to ask for the divorce. I am fine with being married to her. She is the one who wanted it. So I guess you should ask her. Not me." Zero states. Not showing any poker face.

"Well, then My dear? What is your choice?" Kaname asks. "I don't want anyone more hurt by this. I have no intentions of taking on any more husbands. I want our family safe. So We can stay as we are. I brought it up. Feeling that Zero wanted out and away from me. I was trying to set him free." Yuki admits. "I am fine. I think staying as we are. Is a good idea. It would only confuse the children even more. Then we already have. "Zero comments. "Well, then. That is taken cared of. Your still part of this family. That does mean please keep your disgressions under wraps. People seeing you screw others doesn't make us look good either." Kaname barks. "You have nothing to worry about. There is no other. If it's not a problem, I would like to stay at the manor a bit longer. I really do not feel well. I can't take the long trips back n forth to see Ren. This way I am already here. I get to spend time with him." Zero asks. "I don't mind you staying. As long as you treat my wife with respect. She is the queen of this household. My Queen. I do not like how you have been treating her. Don't think because I let you go, that I am weak. I just did it to protect her and Ren." Kaname hisses.

"We all know what you really are Kaname. I do understand though. I want to say I am sorry for all of that. I do realize that I have done things in the past that wasn't right of me. I have no intentions of treating her like that now." Zero answers. "Good. Then we all understand each other?" Kaname asks."Yes." Zero answers. Yuki just nods.

Zero relieved with this. He wasn't stuck. He was right where he wanted to be. He was hoping he could make it back into her good graces. If they Divorced, it would set them free of each other. He really didn't want that.

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