Chapter 32 Part 2 Need to let go

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Chapter 32 Part 2 Need to let go

Two weeks go by, it's now February. Yuki trying her best to move on. Just now it's Feb 14. It's not only Valentine's day but there four year anniversary. Which only makes her feel worse. She misses him terribly. Remembering past years how this day was special to them both. She has no interest in anything today. She goes out letting the Driver take her to the townhouse. Just sitting outside watching. Remembering all the good times.  Emptiness filling her. She stays a few hours then going to the Gravesite. Staying there a few more hours. The only thing left she can be close to. 

Kaname at home, knowing today is a bad day. She is dealing with a lot of emotions. He sits at his desk and just ponders about things. When the phone rings. "Hello." Kaname says. "Hey, it's me Zero. I am sorry to bother you. I don't really know why I am calling. Its just I found this calendar at the townhouse. Today was circled with little hearts around it. Saying anniversary. I take it, that it's ours?" Zero asks. "Yes, she thought it would have been special to get married on Valentine's day. Having two special days in one. As always you went along with it. To make her happy." Kaname answers. "How is she today?" Zero asks. "Not good. She went out, I take it to sit at your grave again. She was doing a bit better than today came. It has its ups and downs." Kaname admits. "Should I call her?" Zero asks. "That's up to you. If you do, please don't make her more upset. I think she has been through enough. There is just so much one person can deal with." Kaname remarks. "K. I will be going." Zero answers.

Kaname a bit surprised to see that Zero cared in any way. How Yuki was doing. He didn't seem as rude as before. What changed him? Kaname didn't dwell, he just went on to doing his work. Waiting for her to come home. IT was getting late, and he worried as always.

When she does come home, its dark out. She heads upstairs not even stopping into Kaname's office. Her phone rings, she sees its Zero. Her heart stops. Picking up the phone. "Hey, I am sorry to bother you." Zero says. "It's ok. What's wrong?" Yuki asks, in a very low tone. He can read she is down and not herself. "I guess. I just wanted to check in. I did find a calendar here at the house. Its marked with a circle and hearts." Zero admits. "Yea, I marked that a long time ago. I was always excited for today. " Yuki answers. "You doing something special with Kaname tonight?" Zero asks. "I am not sure if he has anything planned. I don't. I was honestly just going to head to bed. Its been a long day." Yuki states. "I know you're still hurting. I am sorry. I know. I haven't been the best at any of this. I want you to try to move on and be happy. Maybe for us to be friends for our son?" Zero responds. "That would be nice. "Yuki answers. Not getting any excitement out of her. There was none left. "Will you be doing something with Nicole tonight?" Yuki asks. Her heart sinking. "I think we are doing a dinner. It's not really my thing. I think this day is bullshit, to be honest."Zero admits. "Sounds like something you would say." Yuki replies. "You try to have a nice night tonight." Zero says. "Thank you for calling. It was nice." Yuki answers. "Welcome."

Yuki gets off the phone not really sure what that was. Not really feeling any better than before. His voice not fixing anything this time around. Just making it worse. She keeps walking till she gets to her quarters with Kaname. Opening the door to reveal tons of red roses everywhere. Which bring a smile to her face. "Welcome home my dear. Happy Valentine's day. " Kaname says. "Kaname, they are gorgeous. There are so many." Yuki says. There isn't enough roses in the world for you my dear. I have dinner waiting for us as well. I couldn't let the day go without spending it with my love." Kaname says. She just looks up at him, a smile gracing her face. "I love you Kaname. I know I don't tell you often. Or even show it as I should but I do." Yuki confesses. "You already know I do." Kaname responds taking her hand to the dining table he has set up in their room.

They both sit down eating the special meal he had prepared for them. Talking. Yuki letting go of the earlier events of the day. Not letting any of it stop her from enjoying this. Remembering he did say enjoy tonight. If Zero didn't care she was with Kaname? Why did she? Why stop someone who loved her totally? For someone who had no feelings for her? She figured for tonight she would let go. Be the person that Kaname deserved.

After dinner, Kaname takes her over to the bed. Not expecting much. Figuring on just holding her. She starts to kiss his lips, tenderly. Putting her hands on his chest. "Kaname." Yuki says. "Yes, my dear?" Kaname responds. "Make love to me completely." Yuki says offering herself to him. Kaname's eyes just glow red. Finally, she would let go? "Are you sure this is what you want?" Kaname asks. "Yes, there is no point in saving it for someone who doesn't want it. I rather give it to someone who does. I want to be one with you." Yuki answers.

Kaname takes the lead making slow tender love to her. Making it linger. Not rushing a thing. This was the best Valentine present she could have given him. Not because of the sex. Because she just gave herself to him. Not holding it back for Zero anymore. She finally knew it was over. She was willing to move on.

In Yuki's mind, she was trying desperately to let go of Zero. Not wanting to hurt anymore. Thinking this may help. Where afterward, it just made her feel worse. Knowing there was nothing left. She just stayed close to Kaname, staying in his arms. Being protected by him. At least there was someplace, Someone that could do that for her.

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