Chapter 72 Part 2

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Chapter 72 part 2 Shopping

A few weeks go by, Zero doing his best to get himself together. Dealing with the headaches and all the new memories. Yuki will be a little nicer to him but does her best not to get too close to him. She is still scared of him in every sense. Or was she just scared of herself? Zero isn't sure.

"Kaname, I am planning on going out doing some errands today. I just wanted you to know. So you don't worry." Yuki says. "That's fine. Will you be home for dinner?" Kaname asks. "I believe so, but I will put Berta on stand by. It takes a while for me to go into the city and return. This way I know dinner will be ready for you and the kids."Yuki states. "Plan on buying a lot?" Kaname asks. "You know once I am there how I am." Yuki says with a smile. "Yes, that I do. Enjoy your day out. Just please take the driver. I prefer it that way." Kaname comments. Yuki just smiles at him. 

Zero walking down the stairs. "If you don't mind, would it be ok if I tagged along? I am getting cabin fever in here. I haven't left this place in weeks. My head is feeling a bit better. I would love some air."Zero asks. "I Suppose. That would be fine." Yuki replies. Kissing Kaname on the cheek. "I will see you later," Kaname says. Watching as both of them leave together. Not really liking the idea but in a way feeling, she is safe with Zero. He wouldn't have to worry about her. If Zero was feeling himself. He would take good care of her.

"You may find it boring to run errands with me. I am just getting things needed for the house." Yuki says. Getting into the car. "That's fine. I can really use the fresh air. You still go into the city to shop?" Zero asks. "Yes, I really enjoy all the places we use to go. I really enjoyed the life..." Yuki catches herself. Looking out the window. She gets quiet. Not finishing her sentence. Zero notices but acts as if he didn't. Trying not to let her freeze up. Wanting them to have a nice time. It's the real reason he wanted to go. Trying his best to spend some one on one time together. Without any interference. Just hoping it would work.

"So where are we off to first?" Zero asks. "I would like to pick some things up for the kids. Ai needs some things for school. Ren needs some new clothes. He is growing like a weed." Yuki says with a smile. "I know can you believe it?" Zero answers. "No, I miss my baby at times. I wished it would have lasted longer. He is so independent now. Just like you. A little brat." Yuki answers. "You always said you wanted him to be like me." Zero replies with a chuckle. "Yea in looks, not being a brat," Yuki replies. "Well, guess you got that part as well," Zero says. "Yes, it appears that way," Yuki responds.

They stop off getting some things for the kids. Zero helping to pick out some outfits for Ren. Not minding it at all. Going around the store. Zero just pushing the cart as Yuki puts stuff in it. So far no fights or disagreements. Everything running smoothly. Being just like it used to be when they were together. Just a normal Sunday outing. Zero use to look forward to them. Just her and him, shopping. Most of all being together.

After shopping for the kids, they head off to food shop. Yuki getting at least two carts and filling them with food. Having it all delivered to the manor. Meats, Veggies, Drinks, snacks, things for lunch. Even things that Zero would like to have. Yuki asking him, what he would like for dinners also. Just like old times. This taking a bunch of time, Neither of them minding at all. Enjoying the time away from the manor.  Zero Sees a lighter side to her. She is still holding back but he sees her trying. She adds his feelings in. When she is buying things for the kids or even the food shopping. He found that as a start.  It was going better than he hoped for. At least they are talking. He knew he needed to go slow, making her want to be with him again. Most of all trusting him. With little and big things again.  Zero has hope he can. "If she fell in love with me once being an ass. She can do it agian. " He laughed to himself.

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