Chapter 139 Part 2 Whats Starting?

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Chapter 140 Part 2  Whats Starting?

The next morning, Zero just lays in bed, not really wanting to move. Not seeing any reason to. He knew Yuki was going to still be mad at him. He needed her to calm down before they could talk to each other. Like she said they needed space.

At the main house, Kaname goes down to breakfast, seeing Yuki already there. Just picking at her food.

 "My Dear, How are you feeling today? You left my quarters last night. I wasn't sure where you went." Kaname asks. "I went to my own Room. I needed time to think. I didn't want to wake you, so I left your room." Yuki answers. "Oh, that wasn't a problem. I didn't mind. You didn't answer how you were today?" Kaname asks again. "The same," Yuki answers coldly. "Will you be going to him today?" Kaname asks. "No. I have no intentions of going near him. I said I need space." Yuki snaps.

Kaname seeing she is still very upset. There was no sugar coating Yuki here today. She was her dark half who would bite your head off.

"Thats fine. I will be in my office working in case you need me. Maybe you should take some time for yourself. Letting Berta do the chores. She doesn't mind, it will give you a break to do whatever you would like." Kaname states. "That sounds good. I may take the car and leave the house. I would like to get out and about." Yuki mentions. "Are you sure? Would you like me to come with you?" Kaname asks. "No, I am fine on my own. I will return. I just need space. I would like to buy some new clothes. I am tired of these frumpy dresses." Yuki remarks. "Thats fine. I don't see them as frumpy but ok." Kaname replies. Seeing the dark one is bitter and cold. "I will be back late." Yuki answers getting up from her seat and leaving the room.

Kaname knows she is hurt deeply. Even being a bit cold to him, which he doesn't take personally. He knows this will be a lot for her to get through. He just wishes she wouldn't push him away. He just gives her the space she needs.

That afternoon, Kaname takes a stroll over to Zeros guesthouse. Wanting to talk to him.

"What are you doing here?" Zero snaps. "I came to see how you were doing, "Kaname says. "Since when do you care?" Zero asks. "Since, you brought out the dark side in our wife. Aside I am not sure neither of us is going to be able to handle. She is bitter and cold. Not to mention hurt." Kaname admits. "If she doesn't want me anymore, then I guess thats not my problem anymore is it? You will have to deal with the dark side you created." Zero huffs.

"Really? You're going to pretend you don't care? She left the manor today, wanting to go out. Wanting new clothes. I am not sure if that was the truth or not. I just know her leaving here isn't a good thing." Kaname replies. "Why would she leave here?" Zero asks. "I am not sure, she said she needed space. What she is really up to. I have no clue." Kaname admits. "The dark half is still here?" Zero questions. "Yes, its merged now. She is being herself not hiding anything. She is so cold the things she said and did. Nothing like the girl we knew. By the way, here are your pills. She threw them at me last night." Kaname remarks. "Didn't she take them? This is the same amount I gave her." Zero comments. "I know, she never took any of them. It's been her the whole time. She stayed away from me because she knew if she didn't it would hurt you. She didn't need any of your god damn pills."Kaname states.

"Why through them at you?" Zero says. "Because she knew, I figured it out, I went to Hanabusa who bull shited me, telling me she was taking them. She knew about both of us the whole while. Even Letting Hanabusa lie to me. When she asked you about having another child. Your face gave you away. Not to mention your answer. She was on to you the whole time." Kaname admits. "Damn it. I knew, there wasn't a right answer for that. She just took me off guard with that. I didn't want her to stop the pill. The one she never took. How the fuck do you like that?"Zero snaps. "I only told you, so you know. She isn't as native as either of us thought she was. She hates us both for treating her that way. So maybe we both could learn." Kaname states.

"I think my days are numbered here. I don't see us ever returning to the way we once were. She isn't getting rid of you. So that would mean, I would have to agree to the marriage of three. " Zero comments. "And what really is so bad about it? Yea, so we share her? Haven't we always if you think about it? She isn't happy with just one of us. With both of us, she is. The last few months were good, even though you didn't keep your end of the bargain. She was happy and so were both of us. If you could sleep with all those women and have muplite at one time. Why can't you do this? If you're worried I will touch you. Don't. I have no intention of touching any part of you. We both want her." Kaname says bluntly.

'It's different when its the love of your life, Screwing another in front of you. Don't you see that? Don't you feel that?" Zero shouts. "Yes, Is it any better when she does it behind your back? She has been with both of us many times. This way there is no hiding, there is no being scared of getting caught or hurting the other. You could redeem yourself. Showing you want this to work." Kaname replies. "What if I don't?" Zero answers. "Then I think you should leave. There is no point to your being here if you can't agree to the terms that were set. She has made it clear it is what she wants of both of us. There is no need for pills, potions or anything else. Its either you learn to accept this, or you walk away." Kaname states.

"And your really willing to have us both screw her? To watch me make love to her?" Zero yells. "I have been watching it all these years Zero. What the hell is the difference? This way we both have her. She is ours. Only ours. Unless you ruined that as well. Her dark side isn't like her regular side. I am just hoping her going out isn't her trying to get back at you for your sexual encounters. I don't want to have to suffer for what you have done." Kaname barks. "What the hell do you mean?" Zero snaps. "You haven't thought about it? How deeply she hurts about all you slept with? You know how she is so jealous of you. She may try to take on more lovers to piss you off and prove a point. Which makes me suffer as well. SHe hasn't been with anyone but us. It may be crazy and unnatural from a regular marriage but it's only been either me or you. Taking on someone else, I have many problems with."Kaname hisses. "So the fuck do I. She wouldn't do that. Not even dark. She wouldn't." Zero keeps repeating. "If I didn't think she would, I wouldn't be talking to you. Do you really think I want to be married to you? Screw with you? It's just better to just have you than others. Then something worse. You bring out the beast in her in every way."Kaname comments.

"And you let her go?" Zero rumbles. "Did I have a choice?" Kaname answers. "She isn't going to talk to me, So let me know when she returns. Let me know if you smell anything. Damn it!" Zero huffs. "You never thought about what the side effects would be from all that you did? You never really thought about it have you?" Kaname asks. "I knew she would be upset with me, I never thought about her going with others. I figured she would just go to you, like always. She uses us against each other. I figured you would just get lucky, which as you said isn't new." Zero answers. "You see my point here then? Just there was way more that you opened with this. Her feelings towards you are strong. They can lead her to do anything. Neither of you seems to think before you act. Please try to do better in the future. If we are going to all be together, this needs to get better." Kaname states.

The thought of her with anyone else, kills him. He just wouldn't believe she would do that. No matter how mad at him she was. This was a bigger mess than he even thought it was. He always saw that Kaname was the reasonable one in this. Not even trying to get rid of him anymore, trying to make this work. Could Kaname be a bigger man than him? Able to accept this? Or did Kaname just see there was no point in fighting it anymore? Either way there was so much for Zero to think about.

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