Chapter 49 Part 2 Weekend

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Chapter 49 part 2 Weekend.

That Friday Zero comes to the manor to pick up Ren. Seeing that Yuki is nowhere around. Kaname isn't either. Just Berta opens the door. "Hello, Berta. Just here to pick up Ren." Zero says. "Yes, Mr. Kiryu. I will be right back with him." Berta replies. "Great. I will be waiting in the garden." Zero answers. Heading out to the garden, taking a seat on the bench where Yuki always sat. With the plague. Which he takes a look around not seeing it. He finds that odd. As he knows it was right there. He saw her plenty of times sitting there with it. Berta comes out handing him Ren.

"Berta where is the plague?" Zero asks. "Oh, Mrs. Kuran had it removed when she came home. She said you were not dead. Just the part she knew. There was no sense having it here. She was moving on. She also had your tomb removed. Feeling there was no sense in having it for a man that was alive." Berta answers. "Ok, I guess she is doing well?" Zero asks. "She is different," Berta replies. "What do you mean?" Zero asks. "I shouldn't say anything. It's really not my place." Berta states. "Please. You can tell me." Zero says. "I know Mrs. Kuran for a very long time. She is a lovely woman, who has been through a lot of tragedy in her life. She has overcome a lot. The only reason, she is here with Mr. Kuran is because she finally knows it's over between you two. You can see there is a piece of her missing. Where there used to be love, hope, and even playfulness. Is now cold. She cares very much for Mr. Kuran. She doesn't want to hurt him. I just don't see her loving him, the way she used to love you." Berta says. "She always told him that. So he is taking what he could get. As long as she is finally moving on. It's a good thing." Zero remarks.

Zero gets Ren and heads to his car, knowing now that she is moving on. Or at least trying to. Giving him his ring back plus now removing the plague he knew she meant business. He was glad in a way. He didn't want to see her hurt. Just what Berta said staying in his mind. He knew he hurt her badly. He did it on purpose, hating her. Hating what she was. Now feeling down because of it. Just still not being himself and not knowing why. He was fine as long as he wasn't around her. Its like she brought out the dark side in him. Not only sexually but in every other way. The need to hurt her, The need to belittle her would take over. Where with anyone else he was fine. It was something he just couldn't explain.

Zero spends the weekend with his son as he did before Yuki moving in. Missing the home cooked meals, the clean clothes. Everything done for him. She took very good care of him. When she was here. Not only in bed but in regular everyday things. Now he had to do it all on his own. Missing it done. Missing her way. He was just thankful that he still got to see his son. He saw the coldness that Berta was talking about. He was just happy she didn't keep Ren away from him. Using it to hurt him. Then that would have been something he would do. Not really her.

He was the one to hurt her. She never really hurt him. He thought as a pureblood queen. She would be this bitch. Where she wasn't. Not to him. Always trying to give him what he needed or wanted. It was totally not what he expected. He saw now she opened her eyes. That she was finally willing to set not only him free but herself.

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