Chapter 77 part 2 Kaname-Zero

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Chapter 77 part 2

Zero goes into the foyer, Seeing Yuki coming down the stairs. Kaname walking out of his office. Yuki grabs her coat and opens the door. "My Love where are you going?" Kaname asks. "OUT!" Yuki yells. Slamming the door behind her. "Well, What the hell did you do to her now?" Kaname asks. "Nothing. She just isn't sure how to feel towards me. I think her feelings are all confused." Zero answers. "Why don't you just leave her alone. We are so happy when you mind your damn business!" Kaname Huffs. "You would like that, wouldn't you? For me to just give up and go home? The hell with you! Don't you think I miss what we had? Seeing her with you drives me crazy! How she kisses you. How she has to call you every little freaken chance. To make sure your feelings are ok. How she pushes me to the side. This is all driving me crazy and there isn't anything I can do about it." Zero screams. "IT was ok when it was me though? Now you know how it feels to be on the other side looking in. How your wife and child is off with someone else. Playing house. While you stand there and watch. It's not fun? Is it Zero? You never could of let it just be how it was supposed to. That we shared her. You always held her back from me. Told her not to sleep me with me. She was always on edge never enjoying the time we spent. Always worried about you! Now you finally see the other side." Kaname Yells back.

"Why would I want to share her with you? Let her sleep with you? I love her dearly and want her for myself. NOT YOU!" Zero says Pushing Kaname into the wall. "My My. I see. I have gotten under your skin. Thing is Zero, She has us both anyway. With you wanting or liking it or not. Just like when it was me. Is it better this way? That only one gets all the attention? Or is it better to both get it? Put our jealousy on the side. ANd live happily with the woman we both love?" Kaname says. Zero letting go of him. "I don't know if I can do that. I don't even know if she will give me that chance. She has desires for me. She just uses them on you. " Zero snaps. "She always has. You know her dark side trusts me." Kaname admits. "She is still here? I thought her dark side has been curbed?" Zero asks

"To a degree. I have seen her around the past few months. When she comes to me. The passion in her eyes. Is the one of the dark one. She has learned to control and merge her. Just it seems when it comes to you, You bring out her deep dark desires. She just doesn't feel she would trust you with them or anything else. She always felt you couldn't handle the real her." Kaname snaps. "I thought we were over all that. Now she feels she can't trust me on any level with anything. Which makes this shit so much worse. My dark side, when it came out without loving her. I tamed her. I kept up with her. To be honest, I overcame her. I was a bit much for even her to handle. That sex was incredible. So much I used her for it." Zero says looking away. "You two have a lot to figure out. A lot to talk over. I just don't want you to think if you do get her back. It's going to be all yours. Run away with her like you did the last time. You know how it feels now. Think before you act." Kaname says.

"Before even thinking about all that. I have to gain her trust. Her friendship. I was doing well until today." Zero answers. "What the hell set her off like this?" Kaname asks. "Wendy. I went to get the flower arrangement for the table. Wendy gave me a little bit of attention and it brought up Nicole. Which also bothers her. The fact I was intimate with her." Zero admits. "Ah, You know how are darling wife is when it comes to that. Its what got me a chance with her again. She didn't really like Sara all over me. She doesn't like anyone touching what belongs to her."Kaname grins. "We feel the same way about her. I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing how she reacted." Zero states. "I would think in a way. A good thing for you. It means she cares. That you can still bring up feelings. She isn't totally closed off to you. "Kaname replies. "Why are you taking this so well? How could you stand there and not care that she has feelings for me?" Zero spats. "You fool? You think I don't care? I don't hate you? I don't hate the feelings she has for you and always will. How she cried over your death. Then over the child, you lost. The child that was yours! I care a lot. There just isn't anything I can do. If I tell her I won't have it. She will only leave me once her feelings come back fully. Doing what she did the last time. I don't want that. So I am putting up with all this shit. More than I ever thought I could." Kaname hisses. "About children, I haven't touched her in a long time. That privilege she seems to only give to you. Is there any birth control?" Zero asks. Dieing inside. The thought of her carrying or having Kaname's child. Rips through him.

"I don't use anything. I leave everything up to her. I handed her those pills. Whatever she did with them. I have no clue. I never asked. Not wanting to bring up memories of the child she lost. I saw how she reacted when Ruka said she was having a child. if she gets pregnant, it would be wonderful. If she is taking care of it. That's fine as well. Like you said she is only sleeping with me. So it would be mine." Kaname responds.

Zero doesn't answer. Not knowing what to truly say. As the thought kills him. If she would have another child with Kaname. Zero doesn't know if he can handle it. Ai was different. It was before his time. Zero feels if she had another child with Kaname, that means she is happy with him. There wouldn't be any need for Zero. He knows everything Kaname said was true. He also knows how he feels about sharing. Just at the moment, he is doing it anyway. Just looking out from the inside. No matter how he turned Kaname wasn't going anywhere. Which wasn't a news flash.

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