Chapter 41 Part 2 Something odd

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Chapter 41 Part 2 Something odd.

Later that night, Yuki goes to talk to Kaname. Not even sure how to tell him this. Just knowing she needs to. "I see Kiryu got you today. He went looking for you didn't he?" Kaname asks as she walks into his office. "Yes, he found me in the hallway."Yuki answers. " Anything I should know?" Kaname replies. "He has a proposal. He wants us to go to the townhouse to live. We can share Ren. I get blood. He gets sex. A trade I suppose. " Yuki responds. "Where does that leave me?" Kaname spats. "It's not what you think. He wants you there as well. He said I could stay in your quarters. He made it clear that me and him are not together." Yuki answers. "How nice of him to give me my own wife! That sarcastic son of a bitch. What gives him the right to make any proposal? Or anything for that matter?" Kaname spats. "I know you dislike him, but maybe this is worth a try?" Yuki says. "Are you crazy? Why would you let him use you? You know that is the only thing he wants you for. He isn't the same man. I don't know what is wrong, but he is different." Kaname comments. "I know he is different. I am not sure what it is either. Just maybe me being around him, can bring back something? I need to try Kaname. Please." She answers. Going over to him. Sitting on his lap. "You do know me seeing him hurt you. Kills me. We have it very nice here. Things are under control. I don't want to throw it away for him Yuki. I know you still care. This just doesn't seem like a good idea. I can't watch as he uses you for sex. It was hard enough to watch when he felt the same way you did. This is harder. I see you giving yourself to him. And he just takes what he wants. Leaving a shell behind." Kaname replies. "I can handle it. Please One more chance. I need to try one more time." Yuki pleads. "Ok, my dear. tell that ingrate that we will go. If nothing at least I won't have to worry that he is taking Ren. Just if you see him not changing and you don't like the circumstances we come home. You understand? And why do we need to change our life? And go to him? What is wrong with our manor? You know he has a lot of balls!" Kaname states. "Yes. I understand. Maybe it's better to go there, Than here. More memories for him to remember? Also if we don't like what's going on we just leave. I am willing to try anything Kaname. Thank you or agreeing to go." Yuki says looking into his eyes. Giving him a big hug. Kaname sighs. 

"I know this is rough on you as well. I know you never wanted to share me. I am sorry." Yuki remarks. "This is harder than before. At least before you, both felt the same. I could trust him. In taking care of you. Now I don't trust him at all. He isn't the Zero we knew. I believe if he could hurt you and get away with it. He would do it in a heartbeat. I just don't mean with words either." Kaname barks. "The real Zero has to be in there somewhere," Yuki replies. "That is what you're hoping for. You are so good hearted. You have changed a lot. I see a lot of the old Yuki back. The dark side not taking over you like before. You have grown." Kaname comments. "Yes, I learned to control her. To merged her. I have taken back my life. Just now he isn't here to get any joy out of it. I did it for him. Just now he could care less. His dark side is dark Kaname. Even Darker than my own." Yuki admits. "He held it in too long. It would be. Its the dark half that is driving him to you. Trying to overwrite the rest of him. He could be in there somewhere." Kaname says. "I hope so."

When Yuki leaves the office, Takuma comes in. "Hello my lord. You needed me?" Takuma states. " Yes, We will be going to stay at the townhouse for a while. I am not sure for how long. Kiryu's desires seem to take over him. He would like her to stay there. So he can use her." Kaname states bluntly. "Wow, I guess he doesn't way his words at all now." Takuma answers. "No, he isn't shy with what he feels or wants. I just can't believe she is dumb enough to give in to him this time. She still has hope." Kaname replies. "Do you think something is wrong with Kiryu? Something holding him back? Maybe Sara's spell is still working?" Takuma asks. "I am not sure. I thought about that many times. I go back in forth in testing him. In one way I rather keep it as it is. So she hopefully grows tired of his shit. In another, I just wonder if something is in his way. Then why would I want to put them back together?" Kaname responds. "True. I do know you don't like watching her suffer. This should tell the tale. If he doesn't grow close to her now. He won't. With making love so much. Having access to her it should grow. Something should. I would think?" Takuma states. "I don't know. He even invited me to stay. Telling her she could stay in my quarters. He told her outright, he doesn't want anything more than sex. He just had the nerve to offer her blood. To give her something in return. Something she needed." Kaname huffs.

"My Lord if I may say. Something is really off. He doesn't seem to want her blood. Or even crave it. Never even once even when intimate trying to bite her? We both know they go together. It normally starts with the want for blood. Then grows for the other." Takuma admits. "I thought of that many times as well. I thought of many things. Just keeping them to myself. I am not ready to just hand her off to him. To lose her again. I am only going there because I feel she will need me. He will hurt her again. Maybe she will wise up from it. Move on. I just can't let her go there alone and suffer in this. I love her too much." Kaname answers. "I see you are not going to try to fix this?" Takuma answers. "No. I am not going to interfere, but I'm not going to fix it either." Kaname confesses. "Do you want me to visit you at the townhouse?" Takuma asks. "Yes, there is a back entrance to my quarters. They gave me my own so I didn't interrupt them. You can come and go through there. I will still need you." Kaname responds. "Anything you need my lord. I am here for you." Takuma replies.

Kaname knows this is a bad idea all around. He just knows he can't talk Yuki out of it. She still has hope she can get Zero back to himself. She still loves him. Even willing to offer him her body for nothing in return. Yes, the blood she needed but not like this. Kaname hated to give into Zero, letting him know he would follow her. Even watching as Zero used her. He just felt if it didn't she would be alone in this mess. At least now he would be there. Even if just for support.

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