Chapter 34 Part 2 Unexpected Pain

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Chapter 34 part 2 Unexpected Pain.

Three more weeks go by, Kaname and Yuki getting along very well. There marriage getting stronger. Yuki almost back to the person she was before. Doing her everyday things with the kids. Keeping the house together and spending a lot of time with Kaname. Doing her best not to dwell on Zero. Trying to move forward into a better place without him. The last day or two she has been a little off, not telling Kaname what is going on. Not sure how. Her mind a bit distracted. Doing her best not to let him know. Figuring the news would only set them all back. It wasn't something she wanted to do to Kaname. She had feelings for him again. Not wanting to do anything to hurt him. It wasn't like in the past. They have grown too much to move backward.

One morning when she gets up, She has some major cramps. Pains so bad she can barely move. She tries to get up. Stumbling. Seeing a bunch of blood in the bed. She must have been bleeding for a while. Unaware. Her heart sinks. All she can say over and over again to herself. Is No. Please No. Not this. Anything but this. Don't take this away as well. Tears sliding down her face. Panic sets in, as she knows Kaname will smell it. It's too much to hide. She takes sheets off rolling them into a ball in severe pain. Doing her best to work through it. She puts them into a plastic bag, Calling Berta. "Berta I need you to throw these away and please make the bed as fast as you can. " Yuki says. "My lady, you're full of blood. What is going on? Are you ok?" Berta asks. Yuki doing everything she can to stand up from the pain. "I'm fine, Just please take care of that. I will take care of the rest. Please also keep this between us. No one else. "Yuki states. "Yes My lady."Berta replies. Yuki goes into the bathroom removing her blood soaked nightie. Wrapping it up to throw it away. She gets into the shower, crying. Sliding down the shower. Holding her knees in her arms. Feeling so low. She washes the blood away, getting out. She dries herself off, getting dressed and putting on a pad. The blood loss continuing. Yuki does nothing to stop it.

The feeling of emptiness fills her, taking over her whole body. The happiness and the returning to herself. Taken away once again. She wraps herself up in the blanket Zero gave her. Needing to be close to him. Needing his scent. Then Heading downstairs, her hair still soaked. Laying on the sofa in a fetal position in front of the fireplace. Kaname going around the house looking for her. Finding her there. "My dear, I smelled blood. Are you ok?" Kaname asks. Seeing her staring into the fire. Her eyes glazed over. "Yuki what happened?" Kaname adds. "Nothing." She responds in a low frail voice. "It doesn't seem like nothing. What is making you so upset? Talk to me." Kaname says. "Please, I would just like to lie here. I need space." Yuki answers. Kaname nods going back into his office. Not sure what to think.

"My lord. Is everything ok?" Takuma asks. "I am not sure. It was. We were doing so well. She was back into her old routines. She was happy. Moving on. Today she is upset again. She looks so lost. She won't tell me why though. Not to mention the smell of blood. It took over the house." Kaname says. "Did Kiryu talk to her? Is she biting herself again?" Takuma asks. "Not that i know of. She stays away from him. It's far from what it used to be." Kaname comments. "Then maybe something brought up some old memories. Its a bad day. You know how it goes." Takuma responds. "Maybe, We haven't had a bad day in three weeks. I guess it was bound to happen. Just she looks so pale. So not herself." Kaname replies. Still not so sure.

A few more days go by, Yuki not moving from that spot. Kaname beside himself as she doesn't even talk to him. She just lays there. Lifeless. He has no idea what brought this on. He just knows this time its bad. She is pale and looks sick. And even weak. He wonders if it's the pills. Where they finally done? He goes upstairs into their bedroom to check on them. Going into the vile on her bedstand. Seeing there were three pills left. They were almost gone, She could be saving them. What is happening to her? He thought. He tries to talk to her, and she doesn't answer. She just stares blankly into the fire. Not even blinking. She is further gone than before. Which worries Kaname even more. He just can't explain it. Everything was going fine. Then this. Will it ever end?

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