Chapter 5 part 2 Trying to move on.

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Chapter 5 Part 2 Trying to move on.

The next morning, they wake in each other's arms. Snuggling up close. Yuki seemed to like to do that most with him. Nothing sexual just being close to him. It seemed to make her feel safe. That at least, she had someone. She was noticing more and more that Kaname really did care. She saw different sides to him. Sides she actually liked. Knowing that through everything, he never left her side. Never gave up. Put up with a lot and yet still wanted her. Even though they went through a lot of painful times. Where he has done a lot to her in the past. It seemed now, they worked together. Finally be able to be at least good friends. That in the future the rest would follow. She would have to put her guard down. Have to let go of Zero. She just didn't know if she could. Always remembering the promise she made to him. That she wouldn't have intercourse with Kaname. That, that belonged to them. Even though he was dead. Her heart and body belonged to Zero. She just couldn't hurt the life she was making now.

They get up getting ready for the day. Yuki going into the kid's room, getting them dressed. She then takes them down to go shopping. There were all little shops around the area. She thought it would be nice to take a look. Kaname right behind her. Going into each store. Finding cute little things to take home. Little housewares. That she hasn't seen anywhere else. Kaname just happy she was into something. Taking her mind off things. He went along with it all. Not caring if he had to buy the store. He always liked giving her things. That never changed. Now she finally excepted the gifts. Being happy he was thinking about her.

They got some lunch with the kids. Now tired and a little grumpy. Them fussing around a bit. Yuki use to it and handling it very well. Kaname doing his best to keep calm. Knowing kids did this. He just wasn't use to it. He buys them whatever they want to eat, Making sure they got lunch in their tummies. Ren wanting Kaname to hold him. Kaname does like the little boy wishes. Sitting him on his lap. Feeding him his food. A sadness takes over Yuki's heart. Watching it. Knowing what a great dad Zero was. That Ren should be sitting in his lap instead. Then she thinks, it's a good thing at least Ren has Kaname. He took him as his own. Where he could of have been nasty about the whole thing. In the end, Ren wasn't Kaname's. Just a reminder of the time she spent with Zero. Yet Kaname let that go. That brought her happiness. It was weird to feel both emotions at the same time. This whole situation was always weird. She just had to deal with it.

They take the kids back to the room giving them naps. Kaname doing a little bit of work. As Yuki takes a walk on the beach. Just thinking of all that took place. She missed Zero like crazy. Just trying not to show it. Trying to make this life she had to live nice. At least for the children. Giving them both parents. The protection of Kaname. She knew Ren would always need that. Just not liking that he was forgetting his real father. Calling Kaname dad. Like Ai did. The little boy wanting to do everything his big sister did. Yuki not sure what to say. He was three. What did he really understand? At night she would tell him Daddy was up in heaven. Watching over you. Trying to let the child know that he did have a real father. One that even if he forgot, she would never. She did wish that Kaname let her sleep. That he wouldn't let her do what she wanted. Taking all this pain away. Not having to deal with it. But she knew Kaname would never let that be.

Later in the evening, after spending a few hours on the beach, she goes back to the room. Kaname on the bed working on his laptop. "You worked all afternoon I see?" Yuki asks. "Yes sorry. I saw you were out on your own. So I took the opportunity to work. Now that your back i will stop." Kaname says. Closing the Laptop. "You really have changed. Haven't you?" Yuki states. "I am trying. I know in the past I wasn't the best to get along with. I did things I shouldn't of. I am working on it. All this made me realize how much I really did want you. And a family." Kaname comments. "It's nice. Being with you like this. The kids having a father. Thank you for being kind to Ren." Yuki states. "He is a child. He didn't ask for any of this. It's not fair for our choices to ruin his life. It will be a little harder as he gets older though." Kaname admits. "Why because he looks like him?" Yuki asks, putting her head down." No, he already looks like him. There is no denying he is his son. I have come to dismiss that. Just as he gets older, we can't dismiss he is a hunter. It's in his genes. It will be a little out of place." Kaname remarks. "I will not lie to him about his heritage. About how strong his father was. How he was a good man, that would protect. He needs to know he is a hunter." Yuki says with a tear in her eye. "That's all fine. I just hope by that time, the elders don't go after him for it. Not to mention, he will be stronger than any of us. " Kaname replies. "I am sure he will be fine. He has us. I will do anything I have to to make sure he is safe. Nothing would ever get in my way of protecting him. I might not have been able to do so to his father. But I sure the hell will make sure No one touches him." Yuki answers.

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