Chapter 51 part 2 Alex's Cabin In the woods.

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Chapter 51 Part 2 Alex's cabin in the woods.

Yuki makes sure that Nicole leaves the bar, Leaving a note for Zero. Saying she was going away for a bit. Not to worry, she needed some time. Not sure if she would ever return though. Yuki didn't want to hurt Zero. Even though he always hurt her. She just wanted him to be free of all of this. If nothing else. The thought of Zero with Nicole didn't help either. Even though she was moving on, the thought of him with anyone still hurt her deeply. She just knew that would be something she would have to get over in the future. She wished she didn't have to witness it. Just with them sharing Ren, she would. The only real reason she didn't kill Nicole was because of what Kaname said to her. That she was better than that. Too many people were hurt by this mess. There didn't need to be anymore. She just hoped she didn't regret this decision.

Next, she told the driver to take her to Alex's cabin in the woods. She wanted to talk to him. See what was really going on. She knew Nicole was nothing without his input. That it was his doing. Nicole was just a human. Yuki knew Alex was just using her to watch Zero and to see what was going on. She just needed to know why he would do this?

Once at the cabin, Yuki gets out of the car walking up to the door. Knocking. "Come in. What can I do for you?" Alex asks. "You can tell me why you're still poisoning Zero?" Yuki asks. "Well, you figured it out. I didn't think you had it in you. To be honest, I thought by now you would have just killed yourself. You're stronger than I thought." Alex replies. "I am stronger than any of you think I am. I do happen to hurt from things. Like any real person. I guess you wouldn't understand that. Since your not one." Yuki remarks. "A feisty one I see. No wonder my why my father loves you so." Alex responds. Yuki not sure, she heard that right. "What?" Yuki asks. "That's right. Kaname is my father. My mother was Sara. She had me when they were very young. She never told him. It wouldn't have looked very good for her. A pureblood getting pregnant at thirteen. She knew Kaname had no intentions of marrying her. He was always too busy chasing after you." Alex comments. "She was trying to have a child with him, not so long ago. Why? I don't understand." Yuki says. "My mother loved Kaname from the start. It wasn't all about being Queen. Like she wanted others to think. She wanted him. All of him. He just didn't offer that to her. He wanted you. She knew even though she had me back then, it wouldn't make her queen. You are the rightful one. He had to marry her to become anything. She just loved him so much she wanted to have another child with him. You would know what that's like. Wouldnt you?" Alex remarks.

Yuki just looks at him. Not saying a word. "What you don't think I don't know what goes on? I know more than you think. Kaname might not have guessed what your problem was. I did. Do you want to know why you lost your precious baby?" Alex asks She just looks at him. "Your dear, Zero, and Kaname thought you were not in any way ready to have another child. After you lost Ren. Kaname Put you on a pill, that would stop you from having a child. One like humans use. Needing my help again Since no one else is able to make them. When Zero so called died, you were out for months. Not able to take any pills. Not really needing to without your beloved Zero to screw. Kaname let it go for a long while. Forgetting to put you on it again, when Zero returned to your home. So you got pregnant. Then when you started to screw Kaname again he put you back on it. Only thing was you were already pregnant. So it caused a miscarriage and a lot of bleeding. He almost killed you and he has no idea of it." Alex Smirks.

 Yuki just takes a sit, needing to gather herself. Now knowing why her unborn child was taken from her. "How did he give it to me?" Yuki asks. "Zima puts it in your tea every night. Neither of them really doing it to hurt you. They just figured it was better. Kaname probably put you on it again now, since you were screwing the both of them. He didn't need anymore Zero babies running around. Or not knowing who the father was. Dear Daddy couldn't have that." Alex remarks.

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?" Yuki asks. "Nothing really. It's wasn't about you. My mother wanted to hurt Kaname. Hoping you would have killed yourself to be with your beloved Zero. Kaname just wouldn't let you sleep. He made sure he got you back. No matter what my mother did, it didn't stop you from being with him. I figured keeping Zero away from you would hurt you. Maybe put you in a long deep depression. Since your known for them. That didn't work either. So, in the end, you were the one to really suffer. Kaname does have to suffer with him still being around. Yet you gave into him. Giving him what he truly wants. You. I guess that bastard wins no matter what." Alex replies. "Are you ever just going to tell him you're his son?" Yuki asks. "Aren't you going to go home and tell all? Like a good little girl." Alex replies. "No. I don't really want him to know I was here. It's not my tale to tell anyway. That's up to you. I do want you to leave Zero alone. I know he won't be mine. Just set him free like I wanted to do from the start of this. You hate your father, but you're more like him than you know. In reality, your father didn't do anything to you. Your mother did. He never got to know about you. I am sure he would of taken you with open arms. He did Ai." Yuki states. "Ai was with you. He pushed you into having her. Wanting it just because she was with you. He really didn't care for my mother. Kind of did to her, what Zero has been doing to you. Karma is a bitch isn't it?" Alex admits. "I didn't do it to your mother. I didn't even know about her till she was at my house. Throwing herself at him. I still had feelings for him. I was filled with my dark side back then. I couldn't help it. " Yuki confesses.

"I see your dark side is way under control. Zero tamed you in every way. My father was never good enough to do that to you. At least you will be in peace from that. You did kill my mother. So we are even now." Alex states. "I paid dearly for everything I have done in the past. I lost the man I adored. I lost the child I wanted. All the bad I ever did to Kaname I have received tenfold." Yuki says. Alex seeing her a bit broken. Just like he is. "I will leave you alone. I think we are all done playing our games. I would watch and be careful with my father. He is who he is. Nothing will ever really change him. He still is in control even though, you don't see it." Alex remarks. "I know. I do see it. I am aware of a lot more than he thinks." Yuki replies. Getting up and walking out the door.

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