Chapter 141 Part 2 Hiding feelings

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Chapter 142 Part 2 Hiding feelings.

Kaname shakes his head and takes in a deep sigh before grabbing his coat and heading downstairs getting into the car with Yuki. He knew he struck a cord when he told her could she handle it. He knew she wasn't ready to let go of Kiryu and sleep with him. So maybe that was a good thing. If she couldn't let go to sleep with him. She wouldn't be able to hopefully with anyone else. Kaname just wasn't sure of anything anymore. She was her dark half now, anything was possible. Which only scared him, this was a lot more to deal with than her just messing around with Kiryu. Kaname at least knew with him she was safe. He didn't have to worry. Now things seemed different. Zero always kept Yuki calm and from doing anything too out of the ordinary. When he wasn't around, and she yearned for him, her beast was the one in control. Which no matter how hard Kaname tried, he just didn't see to be able to handle. Everyone saw him as a Lord. The King. Yuki didn't care about any of that. She would be deficient on every level.

As the car drives off, Zero looks out his window seeing that the car was leaving. Wondering where they were going so late. Hoping that what Kaname told him earlier wasn't really happening.

The ride to the bar was quiet, Yuki just sat there looking out the window. Her heart still shattered, just trying to put on a brave face. Not wanting to be the little girl who cried over everything. It never got her anywhere anyway. It wasn't going to fix this. It wasn't going to change all the Zero has done to her. All he has taken away from their relationship. Making it be just as bad as the one she shared years ago with Kaname. Seeing it happen all over again. She just never expected it to be with Zero. They always trusted each other, now even that was gone.

Once at the bar, they both get out and head in. The place jumping. Yuki just looks around seeing a lot of women there more so than man. Her mind just leading up to who slept with Zero? Were these any of them? Her heart just sinks more. Not able to get those thoughts out of her mind.

Kaname and her head to the bar to take a seat. Kaname ordering a beer, and one for Yuki. Doing his best to fit in. The place smells and the people were not his type Not to mention the beer tasted like shit... Kaname always used to the finer things in life. His aged wines. This was taking a step back for him.

 He just bites his tongue so she didn't start, with him being too stuck up for this place. He also read the sadness on her face. Realizing she was thinking about all that took place, Seeing Zero with any woman in here. Her mind was jumping to all kinds of conclusions. Kaname knew how she thought when it came to Zero. That her heart was breaking just trying to picture it all going down.  He did have to admit she was doing very well at hiding her feelings. No other would know, he just did because he knew her too well. He knew how much she truly loved Zero. He knew the truth about everything. At least now they didn't hide things from each other.

"Hey, you're the two from the other day. It's great to see you back. If your looking for Zero he hasn't been back here." The barmaid says. "Thanks. Just wanting to see the nightlife here. What it was all about. What he did here." Yuki answers. "Just a lot of partying. Drinking till your stupid, then heading to bed. Screwing till your stupid." The barmaid says with a laugh. "So that is what he did here?" Yuki asks. "Not at the beginning but at the end yes. He would get himself pretty plastered, then head to bed with whomever. It was party time here." The barmaid answers.

Yuki's face drops. Kaname can see inside she is falling apart.

"Yuki, what are we doing here?" Kaname asks. Yuki takes a deep breath, closing her eyes, trying to hold back the tears. Trying to be strong. "I don't know. I just had to see it for myself." She answers. "This isn't going to make things better or change them." Kaname states. "I know. Let's get drunk and stupid together." Yuki says. "We are purebloods, we can't get drunk," Kaname replies. "We can fake it then," Yuki says swallowing the beer, then downing another.

They spend an hour there, Yuki downing one beer after another trying to wash her pain away. It just not working. Kaname was right, the beer had no effect on her. SHe as a pureblood. Nothing did.

"Just another thing it takes away from me," Yuki says. "What do you mean?" Kaname asks. "Being a pureblood sucks. He hated me for it. He looked at me differently." Yuki says. "He got over that. I know your hurting Yuki. its why we are here. This isn't going to make it any better. Can we go home now?"Kaname asks. "I guess so," Yuki says in a low voice.

Kaname feeling relieved to leave this place. The place reeked of booze and piss. He couldn't see why Zero would even want to be here. 

They get back into the car and head home, once there they pass the guest house which is now dark. Yuki just stares at it, the tears just fall down her face. No matter how she tries to hide it.

"You can go talk to him you know. He is hurting just as much as you are." Kaname says. "No, it wouldn't change anything." Yuki answers. Getting out of the car.

They both head into the house, Yuki going straight to their room. Not even getting unchanged just lying on the bed. Kaname sees that even her dark half is defeated. The pain she bears is even too strong for her. He knows the rest was just an act to show she was in control. To hide her true self. It just didn't work.

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