Chapter 90 part 2 Mud Pie

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Chapter 90 Part 2 Mud pie

The next few days, Zero spends time with Yuki at dinner time. Doing his best to get closer to her. Seeing her lighten up a lot. Its been really nice being able to be around her. To spend time with her and the kids. Even with Kaname who was only around here and there. He was always busy with work. Which gave them plenty of time to be with each other. He did notice that Kaname would spend more time in his office working. Which he knew normally Yuki hated. She just hasn't said anything about it lately. It gave her space to do what she liked. She still hasn't gotten sexual. He sees this time she is taking that slowly. She is taking the whole relationship slowly. Making Zero see what it would be like to be a couple of three. Instead of just two.

One night when Zero is outside admiring the moon. Taking in the night air. He sees Yuki outside. Gathering some flowers for the dinner table. Seeing that she pretty much gets her own flowers. Instead of using Wendy. Which he found out no longer works for them. He found that a bit funny. Just keeping it to himself. Going over to her.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zero asks. "Picking some flowers. Want to help?" Yuki asks. "Sure. Any particle ones. You want?" Zero asks. "No, anything you pick is fine with me. Just put them in the basket." Yuki answers. Smiling up at him. He sees a glimmer in her eye. While picking the flowers, all of a sudden. Yuki throws a mud pie at him. Laughing at him. "You little brat. What was that for?" Zero says. Standing up. Mud slipping down his shirt. "I just remember when we were younger you throwing them at me. Thought it was my turn." Yuki smirks. "Really?" Zero answers. Throwing a big one at her. Getting it all over her. She takes it like a champ, just throwing another at him. Till he is running after her to catch her. A feeling of lightness and fun fills the air. Along with there laughter. "I will catch you. I am going to get you really good." Zero comments. "Come get me if you can," Yuki says. Running away. Zero catches her, pinning her to the gardening shed. Both totally filled with mud from head to toe.  Both a bit out of breath."So I guess you really wanted to take a mud bath tonight?" Zero laughs. "Guess so," Yuki replies. As it starts to pour. "We can't stay out here. We will get sick. Come to the guest house. We need to get cleaned up."Zero says. Yuki nods in agreement. Both heading to his house.

When they get in, Zero takes off his shirt. Yuki just stares at him. Not able to help herself. Not seeing his body in a while. She is just there frozen, while he takes off his shirt, then his pants. "Are you ok Yuki?" Zero asks. "Yes. May I use your bathroom?" Yuki asks. "Sure. You know where it is." Zero states. Yuki does her best not to get the mud everywhere. As she goes to the bathroom. To take off her very muddy clothes. "Zero can I borrow a top?" Yuki screams through the bathroom. "Of course." Zero answers. "Yuki takes everything off. Putting it all in the hamper. Then getting into the shower. Letting the hot water wash off all the mud.

While she is doing that, Zero walks into the bathroom. "I will put the shirt right here," Zero says. "Thank you," Yuki replies. Zero can see her body's shadow through the glass frosted shower doors. It just brings back memories. Happy ones. Of them both in the shower at the old rented apartment. How he wished they could go back to that time.

He goes over to the sink, to wash the mud off of his body. Standing there in his underwear which he removes. Yuki hears the water being turned on and peeks out. Seeing Zeros very tone, lovely naked body standing there. She watches as he gets the wet washcloth and washes his body. Her breathing picks up as he touches himself. Washing everywhere. Her mind gets hazy and her heart beats fast. Just taking in this beautiful site in front of her. She stays very quiet, doing her best not to make Zero know. She is watching him. He slides on his clean undies. Noticing it's taking her a bit to get done.

"Yuki you ok in there?" Zero asks. " Almost done. The mud seems to get everywhere." Yuki replies. "I noticed that myself. I will be in the other room." Zero states. Walking out. Yuki takes a deep breath. Turning the water off, and grabbing her towel. She drys off. Putting his pull over blue top on. The one that she loves. IT smells just like him. It brings back so many memories. How she always felt so safe in his arms. How she never wanted to be with anyone but him. How no one ever could make her feel like he does. How she wished things were different. How they would have just told each other how they really felt at Cross. So she would have never left him. Never leading Kaname on, marring him and having his child. There would be so much less pain. If that only had taken place. But it didnt happen that way.

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