Chapter 67 part two dark side

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Chapter 67 part 2 Dark side.

Yuki goes on to offer coffee and refreshments to Ryan and the other guests. Not showing any of them. How that kiss rattled her whole being. Just his lightest of touch sent her spiraling down. The light touch of his hand on her back, his lips on hers. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She just knew it couldn't happen. She had to let go of any feelings she had. She went on with the dinner party. Never showing any signs.

Zero upstairs in his quarters feeling the same sparks. They went through his whole body. More now than ever. He knew he had to watch what he did. Things were not like before. One false move and she would probably through him out of the house. He knew she was scared of being used again. He just sits there in the armchair looking at the fireplace. Hoping there relationship could build. Drinking even more than he had. Trying to drown out his sorrows and the feelings his body was feeling. So much happened tonight. The light touch on her sending sparks throughout him, and watching her with Kaname all night. His own emotions were dancing around in his mind. Wondering if she felt the same. Was that spark there for her as well. If so, how could she be so close to Kaname? Was she just hiding how she really felt? Using Kaname again? So many things going through his mind. He had no answers.

Yuki and Kaname walk everyone out the door, a few hours later. Saying their goodbyes. Ryan being a lot better than the mayor. Not really caring about the marriage to Zero. It was going on for almost five years. It didn't seem to bother anyone since they gotten married. Not many knew about the Mayor or even Sara. Some did think Zero was dead. Now not even knowing what to believe. Most just thought it was just rumored. That Kaname had everything under control. So many rumors were always going around. No one knew what was true anymore. Ryan saw this in a new light. Seeing Zero wasn't the main focus. He just joined in. Kaname was still the one and only. That seemed to calm him down a lot. Feeling there was no worryment for anyone. The hunter was still in his rightful place.

"I think that went very well," Kaname says. "So do I," Yuki replies. Grabbing Kaname's suit jacket and kissing him passionately. With the fire that Zero started earlier. Filling her whole body. Yuki grabs his tie, walking him into his office by it. "I see. She is here. I have to say. I am happy to see her." Kaname states." Yuki just smirks. Pushing Kaname into his desk chair. Undoing his shirt. Sitting in his lap, Kissing down his neck. Her hands pulling at his dark wavy hair. He sees a need in her, he hasn't seen in a long time. Not knowing where it came from. Or what started it. She goes for his belt buckle undoing his pants. Unleashing his very hard member. As she kisses him roughly she sits down on him. Taking every inch in one thrust. Kaname grasps at the feeling. Grabbing her ass, and pushing her up and down. His eyes turning red, as he takes blood from her neck. Sucking on her. Licking her, as she pounds on top of him. Letting all her desire out. He holds her slender body close up against him. As she bites his lip and pulls his hair. With every thrust of her body on top of his. Sending them both to the edge. When they are done. Kaname just holds her in his arms. Knowing something set this off, He saw the dark one in her eyes.

"That was hot. What caused this?" Kaname asks. Out of breath. "Can't a woman want to screw her husband? You have been pawing at me all night. You had to know it was coming." Yuki answers. Kaname knowing for sure that was the dark side."What brought her back?" Kaname asks. "Oh just enjoy it. Will you. It was fun? You can't deny that." Yuki answers. "No, it was. I am glad you came to me. "Kaname remarks. Picking her up and taking her to their room. "I do like to know what gets you so turned on though? So I can do it again?" Kaname says. trying to pries.  "Just enjoy it. Your body belongs to me. As mine is yours.  I should be able to take advantage of that at times. "Yuki says with an evil grin.  Kaname knows he isn't getting the answer he wants. So he lets to ride. Just glad where ever this deep desire came from. She went to him.

Zero smells the whole thing, Furious inside and out. Throwing his glass up against the wall, shattering it. Into a thousand pieces. Knowing He did set a flame Off. Just it was used on Kaname. She went to him. She gave it to him. Just like years ago, when Zero wasn't here. Now he was, and she still didn't go to him. Scared to even be around him. There conversations tense even in the best of circumstances. "Enjoy it now Kaname!" Zero Huffs to himself.  Zero found it a little strange. How she didn't like to be used by him. Yet she used Kaname the same way. Was it any different if he didn't know he was being used? Zero never lied or tried to be something he wasn't. He told her from the start what it was at the time. Where she just Used Kaname over and over. Her dark side had no boundaries.

"Sir, I heard a crash. Is everything ok?" Berta asks. "Yes. Sorry, Berta. I dropped my glass. My head is spinning again." Zero answers. "I will clean it up for you," Berta replies. As Zero goes to lie down on his bed. Filled with anger and hurt. Growling under his breath. His head really hurting now. It wasn't a lie. Memories flooding his mind. Only making things worse. The closeness they once shared flooding his mind. 

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