Chapter 35 Part 2 Empty

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Chapter 35 Part 2 Empty

Kaname goes into his office and gives Zero a call. "Hello?" Zero says. "Hi, Sorry to bother you. I was just wondering if you have spoken to Yuki at all? At the beginning of this week? Did you have a fight or something?" Kaname asks. "No, I haven't talked to her in weeks. Not since Valentine's day. She never is around when I pick up Ren. She doesn't really come near me." Zero answers. "Oh, Ok. Thank you." Kaname answers. "What's wrong?" Zero asks. "Something must have taken place. She is like a zombie. She hasn't moved from the sofa all week. She doesn't talk, eat, or move. Its almost like when you died. But worse to be honest. We were going so great. She was moving forward. I don't know what happened. She won't talk to me. I can't seem to get her to do anything." Kaname comments. "Do you want me to try? I know we are not best friends. Just when it was Valentine's I seemed to offer her a little comfort. I helped her move on." Zero answers. "You would do that? I know we are not your favorite people." Kaname admits. "Look, Your not, that's true. She is the mother of my child. She seems very fragile at times. It was good that she was moving on. I would like her to continue to. So if I can help I will." Zero answers. "Great. Thank you. Maybe you can find out why she is like this." Kaname replies. "Maybe."

Kaname hangs up the phone. Feeling that maybe Zero could help. He just hoped, he didn't make it worse. As their relationship was nothing like it was in the past. His words always seemed to hurt her. Cut her. Take a piece of her away bit by bit. Kaname was hoping that Zero would have some compassion this time. She really needed it.

Later in the day, Zero gets there, Walking in and going into the den. Seeing her laying there not moving. Like the life was sucked out of her. Even he feels bad. Which was a new feeling for him. To have towards her. "Yuki, is everything ok?" Zero asks. Taking a seat at the end of the sofa. "Yea, I will be fine." Yuki answers coldly. "I know we are not the best of friends but I am here if you need me. My offer to be friends still stands." Zero states. "Thank you." Yuki answers. Still looking into the fire. "Kaname said things were a lot better. I was glad to hear that. It was a good thing. What happened to make you so upset?" Zero asks. "I just seem to lose things I love and want the most."She says. With a single tear running down her face. "I'm sorry to hear that." Zero answers. "I am sure Kaname is here for you in any way you need. He seems to really love you. I doubt you will lose him." Zero Adds. "He is. He has been wonderful. It's not him. It's me. It's always me. Would it be possible for me to stay at the townhouse alone for a few days? To say goodbye?" Yuki asks. Sitting up. Zero taking a good look at her. How pale she looks. Dark circles under her eyes. Inside her eye red and bloodshot. How frail she looks. "Sure. That wouldn't be a problem. I could stay at the bar." Zero answers. "Thank you. I would like away from here for a few days. Its the only other place I feel safe." Yuki replies. Trying to stand up, to just fall back down to the sofa. Not having the strength. "Yuki are you ok? Is there something wrong? Did you get hurt? Are you Sick?" Zero asks with concern. Seeing her fade away in front of him. He tries to grab her arm to help her. She pushes it away. "Yea, I'm fine. I will get my things." She answers. Using all her strength to get up. Not letting on to anything that was really going on. The sight of him didn't make things any better. It just hurt her even more.

Yuki goes upstairs, Zero goes to talk to Kaname. "Look something isn't right. Why is she so pale? So weak? She can barely stand up." Zero asks. "I don't know. She has some tablets left. She could take them. I am not sure what happened. Did she tell you?" Kaname asks. "No, she just said that she seems to lose things she wants and loves. I am not sure what she was talking about. She wants to go to the townhouse. To say goodbye. Whatever that means. She said alone so I will go to the bar. Whatever is going on, she is tight lipped about. Whatever happened hurt her badly." Zero responds. "Why does she want to go there of all places? She hasn't been there in ages. Damn it. What isn't she telling me? I hate to see her like this. She has been through so much." Kaname spats. "She did say it wasn't you. It was her. Maybe it's just something she needs to deal with. I don't know. I will drop her off at the townhouse. Then I will head to the bar." Zero replies."Ok. Is it a good thing to leave her alone? Her being that weak?" Kaname says. "Probably not. I can check in on her, here and there. She could just need the alone time. Whatever happened, she will get over I'm sure." Zero responds.

Yuki comes downstairs with her luggage. Getting into the jeep with Zero. She doesn't talk much at all. He sees a difference in even the way she acts around him. No more trying to be close. Not even caring he is there. There is a coldness that wasn't there before. The next few hours ride very awkward. Once they get to the townhouse, Zero takes her inside. She just stands there looking all around. A smile comes to her face. Taking a look all around. She closes her eyes, taking in the scent. Holding on to the banister to help her stand upright.

 "The fridge is full if you need anything. I am just going to go upstairs and grab a few items to take with me." Zero says. Yuki just nods. Walking upstairs slowly also.  Each step like climbing a mountain to her. Still not saying a word or asking for help. Once into his room, she just lays down on the bed, closing her eyes. Zero starts grabbing his clothes, just seeing how far away she is. How she does still care very much. She just does her best not to show him. She curls up to his pillow falling asleep. He knows that's her thing. That she must have been missing him badly to have to come here. Or need him in some way. She just wouldn't open up. He knew their relationship wasn't a good one lately. That she couldn't really count on him That he didn't want her the way she wanted him. Even though, he didn't feel close to her. He could see she was hurting pretty badly. Not only emotionally but physically.  She was deteriorating in front of him. He still wasn't sure of what happened. Or even why she didn't go to Kaname. He was there for her. He would do anything for her. So whatever she was hiding, she was keeping to herself not to hurt him. Zero, just didn't know what that would be.

He takes one last look at Yuki. Sleeping curled up in the fetal position in his bed. Holding his pillow for dear life. As if it was a lifeline to him. He leaves her there heading downstairs to his jeep. Driving away.

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