Chapter 37 part 2 Beasts

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Chapter 37 Part 2 Beasts

In the late afternoon, they wake up. Still very tired of everything they just did. Not to mention a bit sore. "Wow, what the hell was that?" Zero asks. "Your vampire dark side. You always said you could keep up with me. You weren't lying." Yuki smirks. "So we have done that before?" Zero asks. "Not quite. I have done that to you. Making you walk funny for a day or two. You never really got that rough with me before. I held back also not wanting to hurt you. This time we both just let it go." Yuki answers. "I never felt anything like that before." Zero replies. "It's our bond. Its what makes it so intense. The needing and wanting for the other. Nothing can compare." Yuki responds. "Are you feeling better?" Zero asks. "Yes. Thank you for the blood."Yuki replies. "Are you going to tell me what that was all about?" Zero asks. "Nothing." Yuki replies. "Ok, guess you're not ready to talk about it." Zero responds. Being a little nicer. The desire in him, for her sexually taking over. He never thought he could feel that way about a person. It wasn't love. It was pure lust. He knew if he was rude or mean, she would get pissed. So he chilled. Wanting to have more of her in that way.

She curls up to him wanting to be close, he doesn't push her away. Yet at the same time not wanting to lead her on. He did know that she had feelings for him. Wanting to be close to him. Yuki stays at the townhouse two more days, Just being with Zero. Making love every chance they got. Zero not able to quench his desire. It seemed the more he had her, the more he wanted her. Which baffled him. He didn't understand this strong sexual connection. Its the only thing he had for her at the moment. Still no other feelings, and the last time they did this, it was good but didn't feel like this. It was like she was a drug to him in that department. He needed more. Even though he was using her, he didn't care this time. Just needing his fix.

The end of the week comes, Its time to go there own ways. "Thank you for this week, it was nice being near you once again." Yuki says. Knowing he still wasn't in love with her. "No problem. I will give Hanabusa some blood. So he can make you some tablets. We don't need you going through whatever that was again." Zero replies. "That's very nice of you. I will have to learn to do without them." Yuki comments. "I will drop you off, I have to pick Ren up anyway." Zero remarks. "That sounds good."

Zero's not sure how this is going to go, he wants to see his son. Trying to keep things calm. He sees at the same time, she isn't pushing for anything else. She is calm. Not asking for anything more than what they shared the three days at the townhouse. He was still wondering what made her fall apart like that, but she wouldn't tell him. So he let that go. Figuring maybe in time? Or maybe it just wasn't any of his business.

Once at the Manor, Yuki says her goodbyes going upstairs to her own quarters. Not hanging on him. He found that to be a little shocking. He figured she would be closer since they shared all that. He still wanted more of it. Just not sure yet how to get it. While he is waiting for Berta to bring him, Ren, Kaname shows up in the foyer.

"Thank you for bringing her back. I asked for you to help her though, not have sex with her." Kaname remarks. "I Guess you can tell that huh? She needed the Hunter to fix her desire again. It seems the King is lacking in that department." Zero says with a Chuckle. "I am glad you find that amusing. Our love life is fine. Always has been. She is bonded to you so it makes it harder to get rid of you." Kaname admits. "Just face it, she likes mine better." Zero says with a grin. "You find it fun to screw around with a pureblood. You're over there laughing. She is the one laughing my dear naive Zero. She has your balls in her hands. You just don't know it yet." Kaname laughs. "What the hell do you mean?" Zero spats. "The bond is both ways. The way she can't keep her hands off of you. You won't be able to either. Did you feel the pull? Even though you want to stop you can't? You crave her, her body? her touch? You can leave here and go screw the town. Nothing is going to quench that desire but her. Nothing will ever feel the same again. When you're with your little girlfriend, it's just an appetizer. When you try to take care of it yourself? Nothing. So if anyone can laugh it's her. She did it on purpure you fool. You let her know about Nicole, she couldn't have her satisfy you." Kaname smirks. "You two bastards. That's all you are. I don't think she planned it though. She is hiding something. SHe just won't tell me what. I found her in a state of almost death. She had no intention of trying to come out of it either. And yet again she wasn't crying out for her dear King. Only I was able to fix it. Maybe I shouldn't of. Maybe I should have left her there to rot. Then if I would of I wouldn't have tasted that sweet ass over and over. That you can't seem to satisfy!" Zero spats. Taking Ren and walking out the door. Kaname's Eyes turning red as fire.

He goes to his Office getting a glass a wine, trying to calm himself. Knowing Zero was having way too much fun with the sex bond. IT wasn't love, it was just sex to him. Kaname knew it. He just didn't want Yuki hurt. He saw the Zero that hated Purebloods, That hated vampires. The Zero that was just cold not letting anyone really in. He thought about what Zero said. That something she was hiding. Kaname still didn't know what that was. She wasn't talking at the moment. Something was wrong.  Why would she be in a death like state? What could cause that? Or was Kiyru exaggerating? He knew that Zero was an ass but he didn't think he was making it up. He did know that she had to take Zero's blood for all this to start. Its what brought the sex bond out. 

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