Chapter 132 Part 2 ready or not

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Chapter 132 part 2 Ready or not.

He tries to calm her down, holding her and kissing down her neck. He sees when he wants to touch her, she has a reflex to want to move back. That the image of him with others is haunting her. Which is in his way right now. He could always get her to give in to him. By his touch, or kiss. Just at the moment, he didn't have that. She was more hurt by it. Zero was new to this, not having sex to his advantage like always was definitely something knew to him.

He takes her hand and helps her to sit on the bed. Watching the tears run down her face. Her body still shaking from her nerves. He kneels on the floor in between her legs putting his arms around her waist. Holding her close. "I am sorry Yuki, I need you to forgive me. I need for us to get through this." Zero says. "Do you really still care for me? Do you really still want me?" Yuki asks shaken to her core. Not sure she was even able to hear his response. Scared of what it may really be. "Of course I do, I wouldn't be here if I didn't." Zero answers

Zero looks up into her eyes, seeing something he wishes he never saw. They turn ruby red, like something...someone is taking over her. He knows his worse fear has returned. He also knows he caused it.  His heart sinks, knowing this may be the end of everything

"Well, Well, Who would have thought my dear Zero was a hoe?" Dark Yuki laughs evilly. "What do you want?"Zero snaps. "It seems that poor Yuki can't handle this. You hurt her so deeply that no matter how much she fought it, I am here. Thing is, I find it a turn on. You finally know what you're doing. I don't see experience as a bad thing. It should be fun to see your new tricks." Yuki replies. "I want her back, Give her back to me." Zero says shaking her violently."Stop that. She will come back when she feels she can. Right now you have me. You should be happy with that. I can handle you. I can handle all you have to give. Unless you're still a big baby? Oh, if you had a few at one time. Does that mean I can have you and Kaname at once? How is dear old Kaname? Its been so long since I rocked his socks off. I bet he will love to see me." Yuki smirks. 

"You're not going anywhere near him!" Zero hisses. "You're still no fun, I see. Naive Yuki doesn't see it but I do. What else do you have up your sleeve Zero? Your not one to make things work with Kaname. Are you? When it comes down to it? Who do you think she will pick? Who did she always pick before? Who did she leave Cross With?" Yuki grins. "You are a bitch you know that?" Zero answers. "Yes, maybe I should go downstairs and let Kaname know I am here? I am sure he will be happy to know the bitch is back. I might get some action since your so dull." Yuki laughs.

"IF you think I'm going to let you go near him, you have another thing coming. You always did love using him against me. And me against him. I see you never change." Zero hisses, Throwing her against the wall. Pinning her in. "Why change what works?"Yuki comments. Going for Zero's lips. Kissing them, then biting down hard on his bottom lip. Drawing blood."I find it funny you went to screw all those women, trying to get me out of your system, yet you couldn't. No one could ever make you feel like me. I bring out the beast in you. Your mine and no one else's." She snaps. She slaps his face, Wrapping her legs around him, Pulling him in closer to her. Her lips going down his neck softly as she nibbled and sucked on his ear lobe. Sending shivers down his spine. Then nipping down his neck to his chest where she rips his shirt off his body with one swipe. The tearing noise taking Zero by surprise making him hard in an instant. Not the mention, the slap. He never saw that coming, she was something else.

Zero bit his lip, licking at his own blood just waiting for whatever she was going to do to him next. Yuki dragged her teeth along Zero's chest. Applying enough pressure to make Zero's breath to hitch. Not wanting to admit it to himself. He loved her in this form. He knew damn well, why Kaname did as well.

"This body in front of me is mine. No matter how you try to fight it." Yuki says in a seductive voice. Pulling at Zero's silver hair, she pulls his head up to reveal more of his neck which she runs her teeth up and down. Slowing and deeply letting her fangs sink in. Taking in the red liquid she yearned for in any form. Zero pushes her closer up against him. Both hands holding her ass, as her legs are wrapped around his waist.

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