Chapter 7 part 2 Truth Talk

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Chapter 7 Part 2 Truth Talk.

As much as Kaname wants to do more. He stops himself. Laying down next to her. Holding her in his arms. "Yuki, I know something is wrong. You don't have to let me touch you if you really don't want me to. I feel like I am doing something wrong." Kaname states. Yuki stays quiet for a few minutes. Trying to get herself together. Kaname noticing. He picks her head up to look into her eyes. "Yuki, What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Kaname says with a panic. "It's not you. I." She says. Closing her eyes, taking a deep breath. "I feel like. I am betraying him. He would hate me for being happy with you. Hate me for touching you. Just hate me for being with you." Yuki says tears streaming down her face. "Yuki, I know me and Zero didn't get along very well. But he would never hate you. He would want you to be happy, even if that meant being with me. Just like I stepped away to make you happy with him. Do you want to be with me?" Kaname asks. " I do in a way. I feel close to you. Your all I have left. Its just I miss him terribly. My heart hurts. I don't think I can fix it. I am trying to be normal for you and the kids. To hide that deep inside, I am falling apart. In a way, I really wish you would have let me sleep. I am not sure if I can do this without him." Yuki says honestly. "I am glad in a way you want to be with me. That you feel close to me. I know it's going to take time. I will not push anything on you. I will not let you give up and rot either. I won't stop you from grieving either. I know that's the worse thing I could do. I need you to go through your feelings. I want you to be honest with me. Like you were just then. You don't have to hide your feelings with me either. I am here for you." Kaname responds.

"Thank you. I know that. Its why I feel so close to you now. Like I have in the past. I know you won't leave me. You have proven that time and again. I do want to make up for all the pain I caused you. It will just take time." Yuki admits. "We have a lot of time. I am willing to wait for you. I don't want you to fake anything either. If you don't want me to touch you. Say it. I know in the past I forced you. That wasn't my finest day. I regret it terribly and never want to do it again. I want you willingly. I want you to want me. Like that night you killed the mayor. For the first time in a long time. I knew you desired me. That's how I always want it to be."Kaname states. "I don't mind you touching me. I am just not ready to go all the way. I know that's hard for you. It's just how I feel. The last thing I owe him. This is all my fault. He is dead because of me. Because I just had to have him. I wouldn't listen. Nothing else mattered to me. It brought him pain and hurt in many ways. All he wanted was me, to be his. Only his. And I couldn't do that fully. My dark half was always in the way wanting more." Yuki snaps. Tears not stopping. "It wasn't all your fault. Your desire for him was too strong. You don't act like that now, that he isn't here. You're a totally different person. In a way, he took out the beast in you, just as much as I did. Just in different ways. I know he wouldn't have it any other way though. He loved you very much. Its why I went along with it all. I knew he would never hurt you. You would us. But not the other way around. You need to let go. If Kiryu didn't want to be with you. Or here. He would have left." Kaname confesses.

Yuki just cries in his arms. Her cries turned to sobs. The pain was written all over her. He could see all that she kept in, now coming out. She would blame herself for a long time. He knew how she was. She didn't even blame him. Which surprises him mostly. How for the first time she didn't just see it was all his fault. In other ways, he wished she would. It would take some of the pain off of her. He would just have to take his time. Give her space and be there when she really needed him. He was willing. He wanted to prove he was the man she saw years ago. The one she adored. He so wanted her to look at him again like that.

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