Chapter 25 Part 2 Painful

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Chapter 25 Part 2 Painful

The morning comes soon enough. Kaname getting up and going to his office after breakfast. Leaving Yuki to do whatever she needs to. Giving her the space she needs. Trying to handle this better than he did the first time around. Not wanting to push her away. Seeing that Zero was doing that on his own. Why add to it? He was letting nature take its course. He also felt what more could they do than they already had in the past? None of this was knew to Kaname. It was for Zero.

"My Lord. How are things going?" Takuma asks. "To be all honest with you, a lot different than I thought," Kaname admits. "What do you mean my Lord?" Takuma answers. "I thought she was going to be all over him. Push herself on him in every way. She has been the total opposite of that. Even returning every night to my bed." Kaname confesses. "That's a good thing. How is Kiryu?" Takuma asks. "He is good. It's a lot for him to take in. I do see he wants his son. That is his main goal. Not really having a relationship with Yuki He isn't mean to her. He is cordial to her. It's weird to witness."Kaname remarks. "He hasn't remembered anything?" Takuma asks. "Not that I know of. He doesn't really talk much. So if he is remembering he hasn't said anything. If he has, it also hasn't made him any closer to her." Kaname comments. "Do you ever see them as going back to what they had?" Takuma says. "Not at the moment. No. Only because of him. Not her. She is hurt. Just keeping it in. I know her. She just watches him with the kids wanting to be with him. He never invited her to be. So she stays away. Giving him space. We all know how the young Kiryu doesn't like people. Always pushes people away. She is now on the same list as everyone else. He gets annoyed when he has to be around us." Kaname states. "Wow, What about the bonds? He use to die from them. He craved her, needed her." Takuma comments.

"Nothing. Whatever Sara did, it took it all away. He is free from it. My only worryment is when her tablets run out. She won't be taking it as well as he is." Kaname admits. "Maybe he will let her have some blood to make more?" Takuma replies. "Maybe. When we get there I will see. Sooner or later if he stays like this. It is better for her to learn to live without his blood." Kaname remarks. "You are taking this very well my lord." Takuma answers. "There isn't much for me to do. Or even react. Why fight? Nothing is taking place. At the moment they are just getting used to each other again. Mainly him." Kaname says. "And when they get "close" Takuma asks. "It wouldn't be the first time they slept together. I'm not going to jump like the last time. Let's just see how it goes. She is including me. Being close to me still Even while he is here. I'm not going to ruin it." Kaname answers.

The rest of the day goes without any troubles. They all sit down to dinner eating as a family. Zero spending most of the day with the children. Only really seeing Yuki at dinner. She is very nice and very quiet. Doing her best to control everything she is feeling deep down. Where Kaname knows she is. He sees the sadness in her eyes. Sitting next to Zero, just like an acquaintance, not his wife, That loved him dearly. Zero and Kaname were fine together. Kaname kept his remarks to himself. So did Zero for the most part. He would make Pureblood remarks. He had no remarks to make about him and Yuki. He wasn't jealous of Yuki being with him. It wasn't like before. Things were different all the way around.

After dinner, Yuki cleans up, Zero going to his quarters. After him and her put the kids to bed. Saying his goodnights. Yuki does the same. Going downstairs into the garden. Sitting with the plague. She spends about an hour out there. Before heading to bed. Kaname sees that she went out there. Knowing in Yuki's heart, her Zero was still very much dead to her. He acts as if he saw nothing. Waiting for her in bed, being the person to comfort her. He knows that every night in his arms, she sobs herself to sleep. Kaname feeling the movement of her chest, the tears falling down her face. Not much has changed since Zero has come back. Her pain is still there, if not even more than before.

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