Chapter 125 part 2 close call

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Chapter 125 Part 2 Close call.

The next morning, Zero gets up bright and early. Looking down at the black cat laying cozy on top of him. He just smiles, knowing its Yuki. "Good morning girl, we have a big day today. So we need to get fed and out of here."Zero says. The kitty going up to him, licking his face. Snuggling up close to him, purring.

Zero gets dressed and gathers up his weapons. He knows it's going to be a long day. One he is actually looking forward to. It's been so long since he has been out working. It feels great. 

He grabs some food for him and the cat. Which he named Girl, she follows him everywhere he goes. After grabbing the food, he heads out to work.

All day is pretty quiet, he just walks around looking for levels E's that are on his list. He takes some out without any problems. He talks to the cat who is never far behind him. When he sits down it just cuddles up in his lap. Both of them waiting for their prey to arrive. Yuki on her own end watching everything that is going down. Finding it alittle bit fun, that she can watch and be with him in this way. They never hunted together before. So this was new, it put her nerves at ease a bit. 

At night he is walking around, the stench of old dried blood in the air. He senses Level E's in the area that he is at. He just follows his scent. He gets to a dark ally. Seeing at least five of them there. He pulls out the bloody rose, going up to them. They all sense who he is there and want to attack. Trying to gang up on him. He shoots one turning it to dust. Then sucker punches the other. As the other three are heading towards him. Zero sees the cat turn into a Large black Panther, who just takes out the three levels E's with one swipe of its paw. Growling at them. Leaving Zero to take care of the other Level E. Zero still can't believe his eyes. How the small sweet little black cat turned into a great vicious panther. When all the level e's where gone. Zero grabs the now small black cat at his feet. Petting her head, you were great out there. Thank you for your help. You sure are full of surprises." Zero states.

Walking back to the hotel. "Well, I guess I underestimated you. I am sorry for that. Thank you for your help again. You looked awesome. I still can't get over it." Zero says. Holding the cat in his arms. Who now is licking him. "You are always there to protect me aren't you?" He says. The cat just meows getting comfier in his arms.

Zero gets back to the Hotel. Giving the cat a treat and getting dinner, still shocked at what he saw. It just amazes him how far she will go to protect him. How far she has become. No longer the girl from cross, no matter how much he is trying to turn her back into that. She has come so far.

Back at the Manor, Kaname walks in the den seeing Yuki in a sweat. He can see she is rattled and annoyed. "Is something wrong?" Kaname asks. "How can he go after so many at once? He should know better. If I wasn't there something could have happened to him. That was careless." Yuki snaps. "I know you worry and care for him, but you have to see that he is an adult. He has been doing this for years. He knows what he is doing. You just panic to protect him. I am sure he had it under control." Kaname states. "I hate this job. I wish he never had to do it. He was thrown into it from a child. Thrown into this world, something he never wanted." Yuki says sadly. "That maybe true. but he has embraced it. He knows what he has to do. What he is. He may not like being a vampire but I feel it gives him his edge. It will help him even more to do the best job he can. He is safe Yuki." Kaname replies. Going over to her, kissing her cheek. "I still don't like it."

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