Chapter 129 part 2 Acting weird

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Chapter 129 part 2 Acting Wierd.

Yuki and Kaname head home, Yuki still not feeling well at all. The thought of Zero with many women torn her to pieces. That he lied and kept it from her didn't help the cause any either. She was starting to wonder if what Kaname was saying was true. Was he hiding more? What was she missing? The Zero that was free and away from her was a totally different Zero than the one she knew and grew up with. Without her being a part of his life, he would be a new person. One she wasn't so sure she wanted. One she also wasn't sure she liked very much.

She was happy if nothing else she had Kaname. He had proven to be her best friend in the end. He never left her side. No matter how things have gotten crazy. It just took all this for her to see that. She did go back to when her and Zero lived in the townhouse before all this took place. How nice they had it. Wondering if that same Zero was with her now? Or was he someone else? Did he ever get back to being his true self? Or was this Zero just trying to hurt her, the one before? So many things were now running through her mind. She wasn't sure what to think. Zero now had her questioning everything.

Once home at the manor, Yuki heads upstairs to Zero's Quarters to lay down. Her head pounding and her stomach turning. Kaname knew that she wanted to be alone its why she went in there. She needed time to think. Zero was too busy being in the stables. He loved it there, spending most of his free time in there. Kaname knew he was in for a surprise, he just kept it to himself. He wanted Yuki to learn and see for herself. It was the only way she would really see what was going on. Him telling her, just made it seem he wanted to hurt their relationship. Which always made him the bad guy. This time he was letting nature take its course. He was seeing it was better off.

After a few hours, Zero heads upstairs to get washed up for dinner. Seeing Yuki laying in their bed. "Hey, I didn't know you were home. Everything ok?" Zero asks. "Yes. I just didn't feel well, so I thought I would take a nap. I guess I better head downstairs to get dinner ready." Yuki states. Getting up slowly from the bed. Zero can clearly see something is wrong. Its written all over her. "Yuki what's wrong?" Zero asks again. " Nothing. I just don't feel well. I will be sleeping in Kaname's Quarters tonight. I need my rest." Yuki says. "You can sleep here, why must you sleep in his quarters so often?" Zero comments. "He needs me to. Plus when I am next to you, I don't get much sleep. I do there." Yuki answers. Walking out the door. Not continuing the conversation or anything else.

Zero knows something isn't right. She didn't even kiss or go near him. She actually looked like she wanted to get away from him. What did she know? What did she find out? He cleans himself up. Then heads down to dinner.

Finding Kaname already at the table, smiling away. "Since when are you happy?" Zero says. "A man can be happy. I have the woman I love. Why wouldn't I be?" Kaname smirks. "Your ok with this arrangement? Zero asks. "Yes, It makes her happy. I do wish for some other things. But I see that coming my way in the near future." Kaname grins. Zero giving him a dirty look. "I wouldn't wish too hard. You may never get it." Zero hisses. "Ah, never say never. Things have a way of working themselves out, without you even lifting a finger." Kaname answers. "Aren't you sure of yourself?" Zero states. "Always. Its why I am who I am today." Kaname remarks.

Yuki brings in dinner just sitting it on the table. Zero notices she just picks at the food not really into eating or even talking. "Where did you go today?" Zero asks. "Me and Kaname just took a drive. We wanted to get out of here. We haven't been out together for a while." Yuki answers. "Did you stop somewhere?" Zero asks. "Just a local bar. We thought we would have a drink. Met some interesting people." Yuki answers. "A bar? That's not like either of you." Zero states. "There seems to be a lot going on around here, that's doesn't seem like one of us would do. I guess you just never know." Yuki states. Getting up from the table and going upstairs to Kaname's quarters.

"What the hell is she talking about? Where did you go?" Zero barks. "When she is ready she will tell you. I think I will turn in early also. Good night Zero." Kaname answers. Getting up and leaving Zero at the dinner table. Kaname leaving so he didn't have to answer any of Zero's questions. He wanted him to sit and stew in his own thoughts for a while. Kaname had to admit, this was fun for him. He just wishes it wasn't at Yuki's expense.

Zero just thinks about what the hell she was talking about. What bar? "Oh god. Not that one." He says hoping that wasn't true. He knew if she ever found out about the others, she would look at him differently. Was it that or something else? He just wasn't sure. There were so many things he was hiding.

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