Chapter 50 part 2 Nicole.

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Chapter 50 part 2 Nicole

Two more weeks go by, Yuki still thinking about what to do about her new information. Does she go to Alex? Or just let it go? She saw no good coming out of it either way. The hope she always held on to was gone. After spending that time with him at the townhouse, her feelings for him. Were slowing diminishing. He had no regard for her feelings. He just used her, whenever he felt like it. Then going out doing whatever he wanted. Making sure he wouldn't kiss or even bring her to his bed. The closeness she craved. He kept from her. She hated him for it. Even seeing that he may not be in full control of himself. It still hurt her. She couldn't get over all that had taken place these months. It was too raw to her. No matter how hard she tried to forget or let go. The pain was there strongly.

She sits there feeling, she still needed answers. Why would Alex keep this going? She knew that Sara could never survive her attack the last time. She was really dead. But why keep this going? To hurt her like this? Why did Alex care to? What would be his reason? Alex was playing everyone. It made no sense.

She goes to Kaname's office. "My love. What brings you here? What can I do for you?" Kaname asks. "I will be going out for a bit. It will be a few hours. I wanted to tell you. So you didn't worry. I know you do." Yuki says. "Where do you need to go? I can come with you." Kaname says. "I just need to run a few earns in town. You know I liked where I lived before. I prefer shopping there. I will be home before you know it. I don't need any help." Yuki states. "If you are sure. Please let the car take you then. I feel more at ease when you have a driver. I hope you enjoy your shopping. Are you taking the children?" Kaname asks. "No, they will stay home. I will be faster without them." Yuki responds. "Very well. I will see you for dinner." Kaname remarks. Knowing she is hiding something. Just hoping she isn't going to see Kiryu. Of all things, that was the worse. He was hoping that she learned her lesson and would stay away from him. Knowing that Kiryu wanted nothing good. He was only being a major ass. Kaname just knew, either way, he couldn't stop her. No matter how much it hurt him to watch what Kiryu has done to her. He had to let her be the person she needed to be. Just hoping she would let go and be his sooner or later.

Yuki gets into the car and tells the driver to drive to Yagari's bar. She wants to talk to Nicole before seeing Alex. When they get to the bar she walks in, looking all around. Seeing Nicole at the bar. Zero was no one to be found. As he was on a job for the Association and Yuki knew it. She worked close enough with Kaname to know exactly what was going on. She wasn't on the sidelines anymore. So she used that to her advantage. Not having any desire to see Zero at all. 

"May I help you?" Nicole says." Yes, I wanted to talk to you." Yuki states. "If it's about Zero, he isn't here at the moment." Nicole answers. "I know he isn't. I am not here to see him. I am here to see you." Yuki replies. "Ok, What do you need?" Nicole asks. "I want to know why you are still poisoning Zero? Why are you working with Alex?" Yuki says. Surprising Nicole. "I don't know what you're talking about." Nicole states. Looking a little uneasy. She does know what Yuki is capable of doing to her. " Look, if your honest with me and tell me the truth. No harm will come to you. If you lie to me, that's a whole new story." Yuki says bluntly. "Ok, Revenge. You killed all of my family members. I wanted to take what you loved most. I just didn't plan on falling in love with him myself." Nicole answers. "Revenge? Your family members? Who?" Yuki asks not sure what Nicole is talking about."Oh, come on. I know you remember taking all of Sara's family out. You just forget me. Never thought there was a human in the batch. You overlooked that. So I lived." Nicole answers

. "Well, Hell. Who would have thought that? Yes, you being human did save your ass. I never knew there was a human in her family." Yuki responds. "Most don't. They were not giving that information out willingly. First, because they were ashamed, and second for my own safety. " Nicole replies. "So you fell in love with him? How do you like being used by him? I know he does the same to you." Yuki comments. "It's not fun. For you, the spell is in effect. With me, there is no spell. Yet he can't seem to get close to me. No matter how hard I try. He always had to come to you." Nicole remarks. "He did no better with me. He used me. Then went back to you. I know you're not in this alone. Alex is where you're getting it all. Why?" Yuki asks. "You have to ask him for that information. It's not my place to give our his reasons. So now, are you going to kill me?" Nicole asks bluntly. "No, I told you if you told me the truth I wouldn't. I do keep my promises. I would like for you to get the hell out of here though. Pack your bags and go away. Stay away from him, and me. There will be no more poisoning him. If I see you are, back in this town. I will then kill you." Yuki responds. "And if I don't?" Nicole says. "Then I kill you now and just be done with it. You know it doesn't matter to me. Your life is nothing to me. After everything you have taken from me. I should just kill you anyway." Yuki says coldly. "I know. Its why I hate you. You can do whatever you want. He doesn't want you. He may never want you. With me being here or not. You won't get want you desire so much. His mind is damaged from the toxins in his bloodstream." Nicole says gladly. "That may be true, but he doesn't need you to do more to him. He can live here at the bar or even townhouse in peace. Meet someone who isn't after hurting him. Whatever your reasons for doing this. You failed. I know Sara wanted Kaname to stay away from me. That didn't happen. All this just made us closer." Yuki comments. "Maybe but you still lost the one you really wanted. Kaname might have won, but you lost." Nicole answers.

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