Chapter 31 Part 2 Moving Forward

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Chapter 31 Part 2 Moving forward.

The next day, Zero goes to Kaname's office before leaving. "I just wanted you to know. I am heading out. I wanted to discuss arrangements for my son. I would prefer talking to you. Then to her. She doesn't seem in the right state of mind for anything at the moment." Zero states. Kaname just gives him a dirty look. "Whatever Kiryu. He is your son. I can not stop you from seeing him. You can come to see him every weekend." Kaname answers. "I will not be staying here with him. I have no use for this place. I spent enough time here with you two." Zero barks. "Fine, you can come to get him on Friday night and bring him back on Sunday. It's a long ride. I figured to save you time. Since you don't mind, then we can do it this way." Kaname answers. "The ride is fine. I will want more access in the future. I will not do anything now since she is so distressed. I am not sure. I want my son raised by you. Of all people. She doesn't seem capable either." Zero spats. "For the first time in my, life I think I like the old You better. Good lord, What is wrong with you? This isn't about me Zero. It's about your son. He is safe here with us. Or are you just looking to kill her because she is a pureblood? Don't you even see her as anything other than that? She is the mother of your child. Even if you don't see anything else. She loves him just as much as you do. Taking Ren away from her isn't right. "Kaname tries to reason. "He is safer with me, but like I said for now. I will leave things be." Zero replies. Walking out the door.

"Damn him! He is even more stubborn than before. I never thought he could be more of an asshole." Kaname spats. "My lord, he may cause problems." Takuma answers walking into his office. " He has always been a problem. This isn't new. At least now he is out of my home. She won't have to see him every day. Maybe there is hope. Maybe she will slowly let go." Kaname responds. "How is she feeling?" Takuma asks. "You were right. Her dark half came out last night. Nicole is lucky to be alive. She is still upset but I see her dark side trying to help keep her sane. He handed her over to me. Its what really set her off." Kaname answers. "I saw that coming yesterday. I know how she is. I was on the receiving end of it. It's not pretty. Handed her off?" Takuma answers. "Yes, he told her, he didn't care what she did with me. To move on. Her being with me fully meant nothing to him. It doesn't seem to bother him at all. No jealousy. Not even after having her." Kaname replies. "What did Sara poison him with? He has no memories of Yuki at all. No feelings. No anything. Its like she never existed to him. None of this seems like the real him. Then we don't know what he would have been without her..................Maybe this is the real him?" Takuma responds. "I am not sure. I am just glad he is out of this house." Kaname remarks.

After Zero leaves, things calm down. Yuki does her best to get herself back into her old self. Even though she is still hurting very much. She wants to be there for her kids. Going back to doing her daily things. Trying her best to keep things good between her and Kaname. Seeing that he is really there for her. Their relationship has grown. She doesn't want to do anything that would hurt him. She now knows how that feels.

One the weekend, when Zero comes to get Ren, Yuki stays away. Not going anywhere near him. Feeling there is no point. She doesn't want him to hurt her any more than he already has. She lets Kaname greet him. Taking full control of drop offs. Kaname is glad in a way. This keeps them away from each other. Keeping things calm to a degree. Zero just grabs his son and walks out. Not really talking much to Kaname anyway. Kaname can see how much Zero detests this place and the people in it. He is just scared its just a matter of time, before he starts. With wanting Ren out of here. Another thing to have to deal with. Zero was being more of a pain now than he ever was For Kaname. He didn't care either way. It was great to get rid of Zero and everything that went along with him. He just knew Yuki would never survive. That is what worried him. He saw this cold emptiness inside of Zero. He saw what he would be if he never met Yuki. How he is so much full of hate. How love was the last thing on his mind from anyone. He saw how hurting a pureblood was fun to him. Even if it was the mother of his child. None of this meant anything to him. It was a game. One Zero was playing very well. Only because Kaname was trying not to do anything to make it harder for Yuki. Otherwise, Kaname would just get rid of him. Again Yuki saving his life. This time Zero not knowing, and probably wouldn't even care. He was just a different person inside.  

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