Chapter 102 Part 2 Dinner conversation at its best

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Chapter 102 Part 2 Dinner conversation at its best

Later in the day, Yuki goes back home to the manor. Kaname sitting in the Den. The look on his face anything but happy. "Where have you been? Kaname asks. "With Zero. I needed to see him." Yuki admits. "All this time? From 4.00 in the morning? Are you giving up your regular life again to be with him? Its almost time for dinner. I haven't seen you. Neither have the children. Is he that important?" Kaname hisses. "I am sorry Kaname. I couldn't help myself. I wrote you a note. So you wouldn't worry." Yuki answers. "Yea, I got it. Leaving my bed to go to his. Not even waiting for anyone else to get up?" Kaname howls. 

Looking at Yuki wearing Zeros shirt. Smelling Zero on her. He knew it wouldn't be long until they became one again. He just hated the thought. Especially knowing that Zero was going behind there backs. His composer was slipping.

"I am sorry. I will go change and put the chicken in the oven for dinner. I didn't mean to upset you. That was never my intention." Yuki says going over to Kaname giving him a hug. Which calms him down some. Seeing this time its not her. She is trying. Its Kiryu that wouldn't let this be. "That's ok my dear. I am sorry for attacking you. I just worry as you said. I guess I am also used to waking up with you now and going to bed with you there." Kaname says. Trying to take back his control. "I know. I will try to do better in the future." Yuki says.

Yuki heads upstairs to get dressed. While Kaname stays in the Den. Waiting for dinner. He knows when Zero gets here he needs to let things pretend to be normal. Even though if it wasn't for Yuki, he would Kill Zero in a heartbeat. She was the only thing keeping him alive. Kaname really wanted to make this work. He didn't like people going behind his back. He played you. You didn't play him. Just this time, it wasn't happening like that. Zero seemed to be ahead of him. Would he succeed? Kaname wasn't sure.

Once Zero gets to the main house, he just walks in. Going straight to the Dinning room. Seeing Kaname already there sitting at the head of the table. Yuki bringing out the roasted Chicken, potatoes, corn and salad for dinner. "I guess I got here right in time," Zero says. "Yes, you did. Have a seat. Get your self a plate." Yuki answers. Giving him a great big smile. "So did you two have a nice morning together? Kaname asks. "Why yes, we did. We were quite close. I have to say it was very nice. "Zero answers. "I see. I was thinking since it was getting close to our six year anniversary. We would have a party. That would kill any questions of our separating to rest. Since it looks like you two are staying together." Kaname says. "That would be nice." Yuki comments. "I can go along with that. I hate parties but since me and Yuki haven't really been together the last few anniversaries. I would like to make it up to her. So if she wants this. Than i will be there." Zero replies. "Great. I will get the arrangments started. "I can't wait. It should be really nice." Yuki responds. Smiling from ear to ear. "You know you will have to show both of us attention. Counsel member Ryan will surely watch. As he did the last time. He was quite happy that you didn't overdo with Zero. So you may want to keep that in mind. You can dance and be close. Just don't let people gag over it." Kaname states. "Of course not, You only wanting her to throw herself at you. Isn't that right? Then When she doesn't, you throw your little hissy fits?" Zero answers. "She doesn't need to throw herself at either of us. We are both hers. To have any time she wants. Plus, We don't need to do that in public. Simple gestures are fine. Like a kiss, Hug. Light touch. You don't need to make out in front of everyone." Kaname declares. Zero just gives him a dirty look. "We never really did that in public Kaname. You have nothing to worry about." Yuki answers. "Maybe not fully, but people can see how you can't keep your hands off of him. The attraction is quite clear. I would believe a blind man could see it." Kaname states. "Then I guess you're blind since your still here." Zero chuckles. "I hope you're having your fun. I see in the future, You may be more of a pain then I gathered you would be." Kaname remarks. "Never count me out." Zero replies. "Things will be just fine Kaname. I promise you." Yuki says. Trying to make things light again.

"Good. Oh by the way. I talked to Takuma. He said that Alex will have a chat with me. That it was fine for you to be present Zero. I thought I would let you know." Kaname Smirks. "That's fine. I would like to hear what he has to say." Zero answers. "I bet you do," Kaname replies. "He has brought a lot of pain to all of us here. I wonder if he will tell us why?" Zero responds. "I don't know. I would like to know that as well. We shall see what he says." Kaname states.

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