Chapter 40 Part 2 Loose control

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Chapter 40 Part 2 Loose control

Two Months go by, with Yuki staying far away from Zero. She is doing a lot better. Even though she has hopes he will go to her. Everytime Zero drops or picks up Ren. He looks for her. Seeing she isn't anywhere around. Which baffles him. He knows how she feels about him. Wanting to use it to his advantage. Just seeing she isn't letting him. He thought she would be all over him. Begging him for more. Since his desires have been out of control. The pain, they want. He can't control any longer. Also disgusted with how he feels towards her. That he needs her and badly. He has tried to tame the desire with by going to Nicole. It only makes it worse. He just compares it to Being with Yuki. Which isn't any comparison. The flame isn't there. The burning needing desire isn't the same. It just makes him hurt more.

He tries to keep his feelings to himself when he goes to the manor. Not wanting Kaname to see his pain. Not wanting to let on how this is taking him down. Mainly not wanting Kaname to laugh at him. Making him know he was right.  Feeling these two put a spell on him. Which only pisses him off more. He didn't trust either of them at all. He hated them both. Still not understanding how he was in the middle of these two." What in the world was I ever thinking?"

On Sunday, Zero comes to drop off Ren. After he does he goes looking for Yuki. Not wanting to leave this time, until he sees her. His desire too strong to let go. His dark side driving him. Taking over his control. He goes upstairs looking in Ai's room. Not finding her there he keeps on his search till he bumps into her in the hallway.

"There you are." Zero says. "What are you doing here?" Yuki asks. Zero walking up to her, pushing her hard into the wall. "What kind of spell have you put on me? What is this shit? Why do I crave you? I dislike you, yet I want you. What is this?" He spats. Pinning her to the wall, His body pushing up against hers. "Its the bond we have. It seems to still be active but only in this."Yuki says looking deeply into his lavender eyes. Not fighting him at all. "You don't seem to be going crazy with it at all! Where my body is on fire!" Zero shouts. "Unlike you, I have my dark side under control. I always tried to control it for you. Now it comes in handy." Yuki answers. "Fuck it!" Zero says. Pulling her close, kissing down her neck. His hands rubbing her ass. Pulling up her dress. She gasps at his touches. Wanting his lips. She can't help herself. She pulls his face to hers. Kissing him deeply. As his hands pull down her panties. He roughly enters her, Banging her body into the wall. Letting all his lust out. He growls at the feeling of himself deep inside of her. How she makes him feel. Controlling every moment he makes. Driving him mad. His hands roaming her body. Squeezing her breast through her black dress. Where the other hand is on her ass pushing himself deeper inside of her.  Her legs wrap around him, and her arms go around his neck. Kissing him deeply.  He keeps thrusting into her hard and deep till he lets go. So does she. Finally getting the satisfaction he needed. Calming his mind and body. He lets her go. Buckling up his pants. Fixing himself.

"I have a proposal to make." Zero says catching his breath. "What would that be?" Yuki asks. "Come to the townhouse. You can live there. You can take the kids and even Kaname. It doesn't matter to me. You can even stay in his quarters. Just be there for when I need you. It's not a relationship. It's just for sex. I'm not your husband or boyfriend. Kaname is. Just this way, we get to share Ren. You get blood and I get sex. I come and go as a, please. No strings." Zero says. Yuki looks at him hurt, but still a bit of hope left in her. "I will have to think about it. I will also have to talk it over with Kaname." Yuki answers. "You do that. We both know, you need it just as much. You give it up way too willingly to me." Zero spats. "I don't need to come to the townhouse. I am not the one going through withdrawals. You are. I didn't come near you. You're the one chasing me down. You want to screw me. The least you can do is be nicer." Yuki spats. "I guess. I can try. " Zero replies walking away. Knowing however he did treat her, she would be back.

Feeling calm. For the first time in two and a half months. He felt himself. He couldn't believe she had this much control over his body. It was sickening to him. If this calm would stay he wouldn't need her anymore. He only hoped that would be true. It just didn't seem that way. He wished he never went near either of them. It was just way too late. He hoped if she went to the townhouse, he would get it under control. He would get it out of his system. Or if nothing else, anytime he was feeling that way he could just take her. Then give her back to Kaname. He still wasn't looking for anything with her. It didn't change a thing. Just made him have to be around her. Which he wasn't looking forward to.

Without all the background they had, he really didn't like her. He often wondered what made him fall in love with her like they said he was? What drew him to her? Even having a son? He knew something had to be, anytime he went that far with her. Was it this craving? This longing? This bond? Zero couldn't see himself, just using someone for sex like this. This wasn't him at all. Yet here he was doing it. Feeling nothing for her but that. Things were confusing to him. He couldn't understand why no other feelings or even memories were coming back to him. Yet her touch could set him a flame. The beast inside didn't care about anything but getting its fix. He knew she was right, he needed to be a little nicer to her. He just saw her as this Queen Pureblood. Just like the bitch that took his family away from him. He couldn't seem to get past that. It enraged him. Then thinking he got over that once, How? This was more than he asked for. Were they playing him? Wanting something from him? Was this just a spell? So many things went through his mind. He did know his son was real. There was no denying it. Just things made no sense to him. How he was his regular normal self, anywhere else but in her presence. How she took out this dark side in him. Not only for sex but hatred. Just the beast inside letting the sex overrule the other. It was baffling. His emotions were fighting themselves. He wanted this to stop. Just didn't know how to stop it.

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