Chapter 120 Part 2 Answers

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Ok I have three possible endings. Which Are you ladies wanting to happen? Or see happening?

Chapter 120 part 2 Answers

The next few days, Zero tries to be around Yuki as much as he can. Her spirits are a bit better. He needs to go talk to Alex. He just knows that is going to be a bit hard. He doesn't leave this estate at all now. He is always here with Yuki. Being free. He knows he is going to have to come up with something and fast.

"Babe, I will be going out today for a few hours," Zero says. "Where are you going?" Yuki asks. "The Association needs to speak to me about if I will be coming back to work," Zero says. "Will you?" Yuki asks. "Yes, babe. I can't stay here all the time. I need to work." Zero answers. "I would prefer you didn't. I love having you here with me. It's bringing us closer." Yuki states. "I know. I won't go every day. Just maybe on jobs here and there. I will see what I can do. "Zero comments. "Ok. Try to be home for dinner?" Yuki replies. "I will be." Zero answers. Heading out the door.

He knows he is lying. He already talked to the Association. They said it was fine for him to do odd jobs here and there. He talked to them on the phone. Figuring everything out. It was just the only place he could think of that she wouldn't ask to go with him. That would be hours away to give him plenty of time.

Zero drives out to Alex's cabin in the woods. Knowing he is the only person able to answer his questions. Also knowing he didn't want anyone else to overhear what they talked about.

"What brings you here? I didn't think I would see you any time soon. After I was at the manor, we don't want dear daddy to find out. Your working with me. Or should I say for me?" Alex snickers. "Your a son of a bitch just like your father. You know that right? " Zero answers. "Of course. I wouldn't want it any other way. So what's your problem?" Alex asks.

"Yuki brought up having another child with me. Which is fine. But if I agreed to it. It means she will stop the pill. Then what?" Zero asks. "Then if she doesn't curb herself. Your shit out of luck." Alex chuckles. "This isn't funny at all! I am fucking serious here." Zero snaps. "Ok, Ok. To be honest with you. I'm not all sure. The pill is only sub doing some of it. She is the one controlling the rest. If she doesn't want to sleep with my father she won't. She is a pureblood. It's hard to control them. If it was you. It would be easier." Alex admits. "The pill is working somewhat though, right? It has some control over her?" Zero asks. "Yes. If I were you. I would put that off for a while though. Since you can't handle her being with him. Also if she ever finds out. This I think she will understand to a degree. She knows how you are. How jealous you are. She is the same. The rest that your hiding. I highly doubt she will understand. It may break you. Giving my father everything he wants and more. Your just damn lucky, she needs your blood." Alex answers. 

"She can never find out. That was the deal. And why is it that she needs my blood so much more now?" Zero asks. "Because it's fighting the dark half. The pill mixed with your blood. Curbs her. Controls her. To be honest your blood tames her even more than the sex. Just make sure she gets the blood. Or she will have side effects."Alex states. "Side effects?" Zero asks. "She will get weak, pale. Unsteady. Lets just put it this way. You are her drug. Without you. she goes into withdrawals. The ugly part is. You, Will, do the same without her. The drug I gave you. Is no longer in your system. You need for her is like hers for you. I don't understand how you wanted not to crave her? To get her out of your system. Then you go running back to her. You confuse me." Alex comments.

"I thought it was something I wanted. I don't. I need her. I want her. I am not whole without her. I just don't want to share her with him or anyone for that matter." Zero answers. "You don't get it. She is a pureblood. The thing you hate most. No matter how you try to cover that with her. Purebloods have needs. Desires. You can't change that. When she does let her dark half out to play. You're going to have a run for your money. This can only hold it back to a degree. Till she doesn't want to hold back anymore. Till something happens she can't hold back, Or daddy dearest does something to unleash it. You know he isn't letting her go. You both act as if she is something so precious. Where she is nothing. Both of you could do so much better." Alex remarks. "You have never been in love. You don't know. Your turn will come." Zero states. "When it does I sure hope I pick someone better than you two. Someone who knows what she wants." Alex explains. "She does know. Your father won't let her go. He will hold on and use anything he can to keep her."Zero says. " Like your any better? It seems my father has learned his lesson. You haven't. Not to mention if she really wanted away from my father she would find a way. Instead of always somehow finding her way back to his bed." Alex responds. Zero just gives him a dirty look.

He heads out and sits in his car. Thinking about it all. Knowing that Alex was right. He just couldn't help himself. He didn't want to lose her. Sharing her with his longtime rival just drove him crazy. This whole thing did. Just trying to live without her, he wasn't whole. Something was missing. When he was with her, he felt at peace. Content. Like it was exactly where he needed to be. So he was willing to fight for this. Just hoping, in the end, it didn't tear them apart.

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