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welcome to babysitter, i hope everyone will have a great time reading this.

"Niall have you finally started searching for a job yet?" my dad asked me as we were eating dinner.

I raised my head, looking at him annoyed. "No Dad,I haven't."

My parents kept asking me this damn question for weeks. And yeah, of course they're right. I do really need more money for the university I wanna go to in the future, but c'mon, I don't wanna spend my free time working. I'm still young and want to spend my holidays with friends. Even if I only really have one.

"Niall if you don't find one soon, you'll have no place to go after this school year ends, which by the way also means that you can't go to your "dream university", or what you like to call it, either!" He exclaimed, but god knows he wasn't done yet. "You only have two months left to get the money, and you're old enough, we won't pay for that overpriced place!" My father told me disappointed.

A sigh escaped my lips.
"I know... but what should I do, huh?" I replied, not in the nicest way possible.

"Niall James Horan don't talk to me like that, I'm your father. You-" he began talking before I interrupted him immediately.

"Yeah yeah, I know. You don't have to tell me that shit for the hundredth time ,I'll go in my room. I'm not hungry anymore anyways. Good night."

"Niall Baby..." my Mom started to talk but I just smiled at her and shook my head, before I went upstairs right away.

Arghh I hate this so so much. My dad can be such an asshole, I honestly cannot understand what my mom loves about him. I bet if he would know that I'm gay, he would kick me out without wasting a second. Gay People are disgusting. They don't deserve to live. Aren't normal.

That's at least my fathers opinion.

I don't know what my mom thinks about that topic, she never talks about it, or really reacts when dad talks about it.
And if I'm being honest, I'm not ready to loose her too. I wish my parents would be more like the parents of my best friend. Harry. His Parents, especially his mom, are extremely supportive and he can always talks with them about the weirdest and most embarrassing things. I'm kind of jealous of his family. He also has a sister, her name is Gemma and she's a bit older than him, but she still lives with Harry at home.

Unlike my lovely older brother, who moved out as soon as he turned 18. He left me alone. What a prick. But I can't be mad at him, I would probably have done the same if I would have been in his position.

My eyes wandered to the shiny clock on my wall. It's getting late and I could still hear my parents talking downstairs. Or let's call it, screaming at each other, without caring who could hear it. That's true love, let me tell you that.

But instead of listening to what they're fighting about, I put my old and almost broke earphones in and started another episode of friends. I actually started watching it a week ago because of Harry, who is also watching it. He seems to love it. And let's be honest here, Joey is damn hot. Okay Chandler too, but you get what I mean.

As I started the next episode 20 minutes later, I went to brush my teeth before I turned all the lights off.
The next day was there a way too fast and my alarm woke me up at 6 am. Oh I hate  school so fucking much, the only good thing about it is that i can see and talk to Harry. Oh and I'm away from my Dad.

With a dry piece of toast in my one hand and my water bottle in my other I left the house. My mom was still asleep, she never needs to work on Tuesdays. My dad was in the bathroom getting ready to ruin other people's day. Which meant that I didn't have to talk to him either this morning, thank god. I need to walk everyday, because my mom doesn't want me to go by bus, she thinks I would get ill so much easier and that all the stuff in there is disgusting.

Yes I agree, that's really stupid and not true either, but it's my mom, so I just accept it. And obviously I don't have a car either, I mean do you know how expensive this shit is? Damn.

So I walk. Every morning 20 minutes and when I go home 20 more minutes. Sometimes Harry's mom drives me home, she's a really kind woman.

"NIALLER!" I heard a familiar voice, as I walked through the school doors. Harry. He enjoys to embarrass me in front of other students every morning.
But I love him. Most of the time.

"Hi Haz, good morning." I greeted him.

„Morning, hope ya slept well?"

„Like always. My parents were fighting again... but I finished season 2 of friends!"
I told him excited and he just started laughing.

„I'm almost season 5, so talk to me later." he said with a little chuckle.

I rolled my eyes, a small smile forming on my lips. „Yeah of course. Anyways... what is our first lesson today?"

„Oh right! There is something I need to tell you, the teacher said that in the first two lessons someone will come and talk with us about business stuff, like how important meetings are and what for different opportunities you would have if you choose a job which goes in the that direction." Harry told me and sounded way too excited.

„And why you sound so happy about it? Would we normally have had math instead, or-?" I asked slightly confused.

Harry laughed.
„What? No! First of all, we would have Geography and then Chemistry but that's not the point. Have you seen the man who will talk about that business stuff?"

Now I was completely lost.
„Uhm no?"

„He looks like a fucking model!" He exclaimed, eyes widen.

„A model? C'mon you're exaggerating, he can't be that hot!"

„Oh trust me, he looks like god himself! You'll see." Harry replied.

I just looked at him before I slowly started shaking my head. Harry can be such an Idiot. But I still love him. I mean even if that business man is hot, he will be a lot older than us. Aren't these men like in their thirties or forties? Urgh.


hi lovers, my name is madlen (@myhoranboy on IG) and that's my „first real" english story. 🥰

i try to update once a week.

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