Countryhumans OC

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"이런 고장난 뇌로는 행복하게 살 수 없어."
(I can't live a happy life with this broken brain.)

Name: Pluto Ariel Kailany Yoon
Korean Name: KyungHwa Yoon (윤경화) (Yeap, she's pure Korean)
Age: 20
Korean age: 21
Country: Human (I know I shouldn't do this. But...... Can't I just do it?)
Personality: Innocent, Crying Well, Boyish, Timid, Silent, Sometimes Dumb.
Disease: Slight Brain Developmental Disorder, ADHD, Bipolar Affective Disorder
Likes: sky, stars, sea, flowers
Interested in: Social Welfare, Human Welfare (Furthermore World Peace)

She has some trauma to humans due to extreme bullying at school. She is reluctant to talk about her past, and when she talks about her past, she is angry, vengeful, frustrated, and crying. She often sees her father's picture to remember her father's face.

How she met the country-humans :
She was able to come to Countryhumans Dimension because of the mysterious stones she had.

"Can I get along with them? What if I get angry with me?"
She often listens to songs. She thinks she is not good with Japanese friends, but it is not. She is also not good at calculations. She has low self-esteem. She is doing well with her Southeast Asian friends. Her favorite language is Korean, and she speaks a little English and Japanese. So she often uses Google Translator. (이놈의 구글 번역기....)


South Korea:
- Neighbors, but not so close to each other.

- Pluto's friend
- They often call 'Bad Apple' together.

- Interpretation is urgent!

- Pluto knows his wounds.

- Interpretation is urgent!
- " each other pretty. I'll support you sincerely." - Pluto

Korean Empire:
- "Do not overdo it. Sweetheart." -K.E
- "Why do I think of my father when I see you?" - Pluto

Third Reich:
- Pluto thinks he's a psychopath and doesn't get close, but unfortunately, he gets caught and harassed. She is bothered by him and at the same time more troubled to remember her unhappy past.
- "Aah, a child like you is a good target for bullying." - Third

- "I want to be strong like you, but... I can not......" - PL
- "... I would have told you not to overdo it ..."- USSR

Love Interest: Great Britain (He is 내 사랑....♡)

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