Let's Imagine and Compare height of CountryHumans!! (○▽○)/

34 2 0

 I am 1.75m...

South Korea : 1.85m
(ㅇ▽ㅇ) Shining Solo! Let's make a secret weapons!

USA : 1.9 m
(든든한 동반자... but....)

Russia : 2.0m

North Korea : 1.8m

China : 1.9m 

Japan : 
M - 1.71m (Love and HATE)
F - 1.5m (It's so CUTE!!)

USSR : 2.2m (Um... Papa?)
(ㅇㅁㅇ) Well... I think he's Tsundere and STRONGEST)
(그는 내 병든 마음 속 동반자입니다...)

UK : 1.9m
(I love this Gentleman!)

France : 1.7m

폴란드 : 1.65미터

독일 : 1.8미터

나치 독일 : 1.9미터

이탈리아 : 1.7미터(?)

필리핀 : 1.65m

베트남 : 1.7미터

대만 : 1.75미터

홍콩 : 1.85미터

대한제국 : 1.75미터

휴우..... I..... I have to finish this..... Sorry.......

That was the eternal delusion of a broken brain!

Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken BrainDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora